(3) Message From The Other Side

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EXTENDED Trailer for this wonderful libro, to DA RIGHT! Try not to get chills while watching LOL.  :)))))


“Attention Students, please make your way to first period.”

I pushed through the mob of students rushing to class, trying to arrive at my locker. All of my books were in there and Mr. Callinger gave out detentions like candy when you forgot a textbook. I had to move away tons of birthday cards and streamers taped onto my locker to get it open. I sighed heavily, seeing that my idiot friends had once again, stuck play dough in my lock.

It was a joke between my best friend Flora and I, since my Mum ranted about my love for play dough when she was over. Sure it was funny to put the bright blue colored sticky substance on my lock so I couldn’t open it.  But when I was late to school, and had to get my books before class started? Not the least bit funny.

The late bell of course, rang moments after I finally managed to get the damn thing open.”No!” I screamed, quickly getting my books into my locker. It would have been my fifth late, which means central detention, aka two hours of sitting with my obese, sweaty teacher; Mr. Callinger, on aSaturday. He was by far the meanest of all my teachers. If I didn’t have Flora in that class conveniently in the seat right next to me, I would probably go psychotic.

A hall monitor rounded the hallway, determined to find their next victim. “Crud,” I muttered, slinging my checkered backpack over my shoulder. I sprinted to my class, down the empty hallways, and neared my History classroom. I could already imagine his face becoming bright red in anger, at my excuse for being late, and the smirk that would lift on his lips as he sang in an obnoxiously high, and embarrassing voice: ‘Dee-tention!’

I took a deep breath, pulling open his door. Mr. Callinger was at his desk, typing away at his computer. Every student lifted their head from work, and stared at me. The room was utterly silent, as the teacher lifted his head up also.

His eye brows rose at my tardiness. “Heather, how nice of you to join us,” he said blandly, getting up from his chair.

I pushed back my hair, feeling the pressure of everyones gaze. They were probably expecting a awesome excuse like ‘My car drove over a bridge, lit on fire, and then exploded. I thankfully survived,’ or ‘I saved an old lady from getting hit by a giant man-eating bird, and had to go make sure she was safe at her house!’

That would mean I was a great liar.

“Well?” Mr. Callinger asked suspiciously, crossing his arms over his chest. “Let’s hear it, why were you late to my class this morning and why I should call your parents, have a meeting with them, and give you a three hour detention.”

 “W-well you see. I—“I stopped mid sentence, my attention drifting to the window. The surface of it started to crystallize. My face melted into confusion, knowing it wasn’t cold enough for anything to freeze.

A large hand waved in my face. “I’m speaking to you.”

I blinked, shaking my head out of my strange fixation with the window. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Mr. Callinger. Please don’t give me detention I’ll never be late again. It’s my Birthday and I just got a new—“

“It’s your birthday?” he interrupted, his face oddly brightening. I tried to hide how taken aback I was from his sudden change in mood. “Why didn’t you tell me that?” he questioned, almost sounding like a cheering girl.

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