(6) One Messed Up Ouija Board

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>> Epic music to the right that use to be on the first chapter!! :))


I played with the frilly part of my Tinker bell costume while I was leaned back against the headboard of my bed. We had all decided to try on our costumes so we could compare outfits before tomorrow night. I sighed and slumped down further in my position, my mind wandering back to the freaky incident I had witnessed at the food court.

I had tried to explain myself to Flora and the others but they had simply looked at me skeptically, as though they were thinking of taking me to a mental hospital, even though I had assured them over and over that I was perfectly fine and certainly not delirious. Eventually I had given up trying to convince them but that didn't mean I had decided that it didn't happen. It had certainly happened, I knew that it had been real, I had obviously just developed some kind of rare disease that allowed me to see things that other people couldn't.

“Sheesh, Flora is taking forever!” Kim commented, while applying a dark blue nail polish to Georgina’s thumb. Flora was the last one to model, Kim, Gee and myself had already had shown off our costumes. Kim looked adorable as a cute little Cupid with wings and a fake bow and arrow, while Georgia, being the joker that she was, had opted for an extremely hairy gorilla suit, and was going as King Kong.

While we were waiting for Flora to hurry up, the other two girls had arranged themselves on my floor and were busy testing out my many different nail polishes on each other. For some reason I was always obsessed with nail polish and owned almost one of every color under the sun.

There was a loud thump, followed by a groan and I eyed my bathroom suspiciously.

Five …

Four ...

Three ...

Two ....

The door burst open and out came the devils spawn in all her glory. 

“How do I look?” Flora asked huskily, posing in front of us.

Georgina and Kim stopped painting each other’s nails. Three pairs of eyebrows shot up well past their hairline as we took in Flora’s costume.

“Well…?” she asked impatiently, turning in a circle. “How awesome is this?”

I put my hand on my chin trying to figure out a way to tell her what I was thinking. Her costume bottoms were practically bright red underwear, her top only covering her breasts and exposing her whole mid section.

“Flora, I’m going to be completely honest and say it looks like you’re wearing cheap lingerie.”

She blinked at me with her green eyes, unfazed by my comment.

Georgina clucked her tongue, and finally spoke the truth. “Girl, you look like you’re wearing floss as bottoms, and a third of a corset as the top. Overall, I am just plain disturbed, and think what you are looking for tomorrow night is classy, not flashy. Put something decent on that won’t blind my eyes, before I cover you up with a damn blanket,” she demanded like a mother, before calmly returning to painting her nails.

Kim and I stared at each other in shock of Georgina’s comment. Before we knew it, both of us burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

“It’s funny…cause’ it’s true!” Kim gasped out between snorts.

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