(4) Blue Streamers

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 "So what are we looking for exactly?" 

I linked my arm in Floras and pulled out two sheets of paper. 

"Well!" I started dramatically, laughing as she rolled her eyes. "These are the things we need for the party on Saturday, plus we need to find wicked costumes if you really think this costume idea will be a hit  ..." I trailed off, still uncertain.

Flora nodded her head eagerly. "Trust me it will, costume parties are totes the thing to do! It's a trend!"

I groaned. "Oh… my gosh, you really have to stop using that word," I said, poking her in the side. "It's makes me embarrassed to be seen with you."

She poked out her tongue at me. "What word?"

"Totes." I said, rolling my eyes. "Why can't you just say totally like a normal person?"

She grinned, flicking her hair back over her shoulders and fluttering her eyelashes. "But Heather," she whined, her voice unnaturally high. "That's the way that people talk now, like, I wouldn't want to, like, get caught out not using the right words and like, stuff."

I growled at her teasingly. "Like OMG Flora, like, listen, like, to yourself. You sound, like, oh so fake!" She laughed and threw her arm around my shoulder, leaning all of her weight on my suddenly so I had to push her off. I glared at her, humor twinkling in my grey eyes. "You're just bloody impossible."

"Yeah," she said grinning. "Like, I know right? Like that's why you, like, love me though right?"

I grabbed her and ruffled her hair around as she protested. 

"What was that for!" she yelled, furiously trying to pat her hair back into place. "Oh God, now I have to find a mirror--"

I rolled my eyes, while trying to surpress a yawn. "Flora come on, don't you want to know the rest of the plan?"

She took a moment to look at me grudgingly before giving in and bouncing over. "Okay!"

I pulled another list out of my pocket and waved it at her. "This is the list of the things that we need to get for tonight sleepover." I said.

She grabbed it from me and read over it grinning. "Sounds perfect! When are Gee and Kim coming?"

"Right now!" There was a loud shout from behind us and I was instantly plunged into blackness as someone slapped their hands over my eyes.

"Guess whooooo!" Georgia sang horribly in a fake deep voice, making me burst out laughing.

"Hmmm Johnny Depp?"

Gee sighed dreamily, letting go of my face. "I wish, he is one sexy dream boat."

"Hey!" Kim cried, cuffing her over the head. "Stop talking about my husband like that!"

"Your husband?? He's MY husband!"

"No he's not!"

"Yes he is!"

Flora and I gave each other the look.

 "SHUTUP!" I yelled. "We are supposed to be shopping! Not fighting over my husband."

They both looked at me in confusion. Before they could figure out what I had said Flora grabbed the sleepover list from me and shoved it into Georgia's hands. 

"I think we should split up,” she announced, changing into a mini drill sergeant."You take this one, the list for tonight, and find anything else we might need,” she said suggestively. I looked at her suspiciously. She just grinned and turned back to Kim and Gee.

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