(9) Beginning To Frost

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The name that sent chills throughout my body every time it crawled around my skull.

Frost, the monster that had tied Donovan down in my shed, the one who had forced Donovan out of his clothes by knife—or sword as Donovan put it. Frost, the creature who had disappeared into the forest, after he successfully took the image of Donovan, and fooling me into trusting him. Frost, the monster who knew the rest of Gypsy song I had sung as a child, the song my Grandmother had taught to me and only me.

Frost, the person I wanted so badly to see again and couldn’t stop thinking about. The person that assisted my sleep deprivation after all the guests of my party scattered when the cops came to question Donovan, and the one who caused my sudden fear of the dark.

“This sucks,” I muttered as I rolled over on my bed to face the bright-lit lamp. I sat up carefully and glanced over my phone. No messages. I was forced to contact my parents when the police arrived and couldn’t get them on the phone. I had left them a message of what had happened. However I left out what really happened which would have sounded something like,

‘Hey Mum, so I thought the Donovan at the party was really Donovan but it turns out it was someone pretending to be Donovan who scarily took his exact image and tied the real Donovan in the shed. Oh, and the fake Donovan ran into the woods and disappeared off the face of the earth.”

I would obviously leave out the part about seeing my ‘twin’ in my room. That part might give her a heart attack.

Instead of sticking with the complete truth, I stuck with, “Hey Mummy, um…so I had the party and something terrible happened. I found a guest in the shed with only their underwear on, Donovan, our tall neighbor with black hair? Well he told me someone made them take their clothes off and now the Police are here questioning him. Call me back when you get this.”

After I made that call I waked up stairs like a zombie, fell face-first into my bed, and surprisingly had the best sleep since watching ten minutes of Napoleon Dynamite.

* * * *

When I finally woke up the next morning, sunlight was streaming through the window onto my face, warming my skin. 

Unwilling to wake up, I thought over the events from last night, making sure I had everything in order before I opened my eyes to face the day.

Surprisingly, the arrival of an ambulance on the presences hadn't scared off that many people at all. Gee and I had managed to usher everyone inside, where the party continued, while Flora fussed over the unconscious Donavan as he was loaded into the ambulance. 

I hadn't been able to get his words out of my head though, as I had sat on my front step and watched the paramedics do their job. At least I now had a name for the thing that was stalking me.


What kind of name was that? Was it even his real one? 

Well it's what I'm going to call him for now. I decided firmly. I might feel better about the whole situation if I can give him a name.

“Frosty,” I blurted out loud and then quickly laughed. That name was too…boyish and I knew he was no boy. "Frost." I whispered softly. 

A soft breeze washed over my face and arms, making me shiver slightly. 

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