Relationship Goals

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'Oh and yeah guys!' Brooklyn makes her words through my string of thoughts.

'Don't forget the food challenge tomorrow.' She winks.

'Yeah!' Says Raphael excited.

Christopher nods as they're finally out of sight.

'Let's get ourselves bed fit?' Brooklyn smiles shutting the door behind her.

'Thanks for staying.' I smile a bit before we both bounce off into the coziness of our rug.

' Brooklyn?' I say as I switch the lamp off.


'If I don't sleep-'

'You're free to wake me up.' She hugs me as she cuts off my words. I hug her back.

As our alarm starts buzzing and I turn up to put it off I see Brooklyn laying down the bed on the mattress hugging the rug.

'Oh my god! Brook I'm so sorry!' I say even when she's deep in sleep.

I climb down beside her as I pick her up breaking her sleep.

' Hey. Morning!' She says in a sore voice.

'Morning.' I say as I go to the kitchen to brew in some coffee.

'It is eight thirty.' I say as we both sit in the gallery to have our coffee.

'Boys drop here in five.'

'Five. Five! Five?' I say cinematic as ever.

She laughs at it.

'Four now.'

'But why so early?' I grunt as I push myself up to wash the mugs.

'Because the challenge starts with breakfast-lunch-dinner.' She smiles devilishly.

'Unfair.' I say face palming.

There are a few knocks at the door. Brooklyn rushes to open up.

'Mornings ladies!' I hear Christopher screech like a kid gone hyper and see Raphael hugging Brooklyn.

'Slept well?' Raphael says as he pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Well... yeah' She sighed. 'What about you?' She asks as their sweet talks continue.

'Adorable aren't they?' Smirks Christopher as he makes his way to me.

'How about you sunshine? How was your sleep? Dreamt of me?' He chuckled.

'Let's leave all the sweetness to them. And we can go over for the preparation of breakfast.' I frown.

He nods robotically as he follows me to the kitchen.

'There Mr. Chef', I say as he's about to pick over a bowl. 'Here's a division. That's your side of working and this is mine. You can pick whatever you want from the fridge. Here are the spices and all the bowls, pans, plates that you'd be needing.' I say pointing out to the ones I've arranged.

'Wow.' He smiles.

'Start.' I command.

We both start out respective works.

'I guess we're gonna have a good fight.' Raphael laughs.

'I hope not. I am hungry and Elizabeth will win anyhow.' Brooklyn responded with a smile.


'Leave the egg alone. Mine!' I shout as I glare at Christopher to leave it.


'It's my kitchen.' I demand.

He takes a step closer. I instantly react as I take a step backwards. He can very well sense I didn't quite like his move as he inches more towards me.

'W-what are you doing?' I say yet moving backwards.

'Cmon Elizabeth. I'm not gonna hurt you. Why are you so scared?'

'Im not gonna hurt you Elizabeth. C'mon. Why are you so scared?' He said as he pushed me over to the wall behind with his face just inches away.

Memories rushed into my head as I slowly let go of the egg. I covered my face into my hands as my anger turned to fear.

'Pl-please don't. Take whatever you want.' I said as my knees could no longer lift my weight and I stumbled to the floor with one of my hand up passing the egg to Christopher.

'Uh is everything okay?' Christopher says as he places the egg on the floor beside and tries to uncover my face.

'Go away. Leave me alone please!' I say the words coming out in a rush of tears.

'What's wrong?' He shook his head as he got up.

I can't let him know. No. No.

'You're scary.' I say as I get up and chuckle.

'Uh. Very funny.' He says. He really isn't buying it.

'Excuse me. Oh and yes, if you see my batter some just put the oven off okay?' I say as I walk out of the kitchen leaving a shocked gaze behind me.

As I move to the side of my bed and grab my little flask I take out one tiny white pill as I pop it into my mouth.

' Hey! What are you doing here?' Raphael says passing me as he walks out of the bathroom.

I'm nervous but he won't see that. I took my pill but he didnt notice that. I slowly get up as I throw a smile at him.

'Aren't you hungry? Help Brooklyn with the plates...' I say as calm and polite as I can sound.

'A nice way to ignore questions, eh?' He smiles.

'Well. You saw me doing nothing. I was just here to take a break. You see... then why do u answer something you just saw?' I make it sarcastic as he walks out with me following.

As I walk back Christopher has already kept everything ready on the platform and he throws a smile at me and I return it.

'Plates up. Ready to serve?' Says Brooklyn from the main room.

'I'll do it.' Says Raphael as he takes the food stuff out of the kitchen.

'Well let's get something to you too?' Says Christopher as he places both his hands on my shoulders and gestures me to walk.

I didn't react to his move but went with it. Felt cared for.

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