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Connor's POV


I can't believe she would do this to me? I gave her my whole heart and she just rips it to fucking shreds.

I go into the bar and sit down on a wooden stool at the counter, I ask the bartender for a scotch and I drown my sorrows in alcohol.

After a few hours of drinking I stumble out of the bar, I go outside and sit at the fountain with hot tears rolling down my face.

I see a couple walk past me and I scoff at their love, I see Tristan come out with a cigarette in his mouth and beer in his hand.

I get up and go to him, as soon he sees me he instantly smiles. Tristan is a very likable dude but only to some people.

"Hey man! What's up?" He pulls me into a hug as soon as he sees my tear stained cheeks.

"Did you see Louise and James?" I ask him.

"Yea they were talking but I didn't stay to see the whole conversation. Why?" He answers me and asks another question.

"They were flirting Tris! They were full on flirting! I thought she loved me!" I exclaim.

"Can I help?" A small voice asks.

Shantel's POV

I shyly ask Connor if there's something I can do to help. I step forward and notice that Tristan is standing there too.

"Hey Shantel.." Connor says weakly.

I go forward and put a hand on his shoulder, I hug him really tight but all he does is give a big smile. He then walks away.

I stand there awkwardly while Tristan continues to smoke, and takes swing from his beer.

"Can I take a sip?" I ask pointing to the beer.

He nods and hands the beer, I grab the beer and down half of it. He smirks as I cringe from the sweet sensation the alcohol was giving me.

I sigh and sit down on the ground and look into the parking lot. Then he slides down and sighs the same way I did.

"My parents left me." I suddenly say. He looks at me and lifts one eyebrow.

"Huh?" He asks.

"I might as well tell you my life story now, if I'm gonna be in this so called "Gang" you should know at least something about me." I explain.


"My parents left me when I was 10, I mean I kind for figured they would leave me. They never cared about me, they sent me to a crappy school, when I would come home all they would do was have sex and give me leftovers of their food." I stop for a breath and continue.

"Then one day the never came back from work, never returned my calls. I literally had to go to a fosters home by myself." I tell him everything.

Brad's POV

I run into the elevator and stand there with tears running down my face. I fucking told the prick everything and what does he do? Go to that bitch!

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