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I could tell he didn't believe me; blamed our bond for that. He was right in what he said earlier. One thing I could never do was lie to him. With a sigh, he rose to his feet.

"Okay well if you insist on going through with this idiotic investigation, do me a favor," he responded; eyes blazing.

"What's that?" I stood up matching his tone.

"Leave me out of it."

His tone lost its venom with that one statement and held back any sardonic remark I had in reserve. All I could manage was a short retort.


He grabbed his coat and started for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, trying to keep the concern out of my voice.

Without looking back, he walked out the door.

'Saw a bar on the way in. Get some sleep, its later than you think.'

His sudden use of the mind link caught me off guard but his words struck an unpleasant blow. Biting my lip to the point of pain, I stood and started pulling out clothes.

"If he can do it, so can I," I spat out.

I rummaged around and pulled out the emerald colored dress; the only one I liked. Quickly, I changed and pulled on the black sandal heels. Brushing out my scarlet hair gave me that twisted sense of satisfaction that usually came with defying Corbin. Grabbing the room key and my purse, I exited the room.

'Don't wait up for me consors.'

His response was abrupt and emotion filled.

'Where do you think you're going?!'

I smirked at the rise I'd gotten out of him.

'Well you saw a bar so I'm pretty sure I saw a club.'

I knew I was playing with fire but I didn't care.

'Fine. You need me...I'll be there,' came his snippy reply.

'So noted.'

I strode down the sidewalk; scanning for any decent looking club. My eyes settled on one in particular as I rounded the corner. The irony was the first thing that hit me however. The daughter of darkness strolling into Club Eden. Flashing the bouncer my "ID" gave me another rush of adrenaline. The thumping music only added to my excitement as I passed through the doors. My joy was short lived however once I saw what I'd gotten myself into. The wardrobe...if you could call it that...was minimalistic to say the least.

'Isolde where the hell are you?'

I made my way to the bar and chose to ignore his inquiry.

"What'll it be angel?"

I faked a blush and fought the urge to shake my head; farthest thing from an angel.

"Whatever you recommend," I replied with my sweetest smile.

"One 'Devil's Kiss' comin' right up," the bartender said with a grin.

I made a mental note to check the bottom of that drink as I called upon the "eyes of the soul." Staring at the man's back, I watched the aura form; orange...overly self confident with...

I felt myself rising from my seat as golden tendrils fanned out from his soul.

'Corbin, I'm at Club Eden. I think I have a problem.'

I heard the panic creep into my voice as I slowly backed away from the bar. The only auras with any kind of gold were those closest to the Celestial Light.

'I'll be right there Isolde. Just...hold on.'

I eased my way toward the door but was stopped short when my back slammed into something solid.

"Leaving so soon?" a deep voice purred.

I turned and was almost blinded by the light emanating from the bouncer who had let me in. One word raced to the front of my mind and struck me with fear; angel.

As far as their kind was concerned I was the Devil himself; half breed or not.

"Look this was a mistake. I was just looking for a friend."

I tried to move past him but found my way barred by two other angelic entities. Only I could pick the one celestial bar in the area.

"Do not lie to us daemon," the first angel hissed; eyes burning.

A rush of golden sand caused them all to step backward as slight fear flashed across their faces. Corbin materialized and grabbed my hand with fury blazing in his eyes.

'You owe me so big for this,' he hissed.

I closed my eyes as I felt the tug. The rush of cool air signaled our arrival and our return to safety. Dropping onto the bed I let out a sigh of relief.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck you were thinking?"

His tone was clipped, signaling just how mad he was.

"I wasn't," I whispered.

"You realize they were going to kill you right? If not worse!"

I nodded, letting my hair fall in front of my face.

He sighed and sat down next to me.

"Are you planning a stunt like that again?"

His voice softened as his eyes searched mine for any sign of deceit.

I shook my head again; didn't trust my voice.

"Good. Now...get changed. That dress is...ridiculous."

I snorted at his pause as he searched for the right word. I knew damn well he didn't find it "ridiculous." Grabbing my night clothes I started for the bathroom, ignoring his stares. Once I changed, I braved the walk back into the bedroom. His soft snoring was a sound I was accustomed to. Where it came from however, was something new entirely. He was sprawled across the chair in an uncomfortable looking position. With a huff I sat on the bed and reached out to him.

' can sleep here too.'

As I saw him stir I wondered...what had I just agreed to?

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now