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I could only pant and frantically try to slow my racing mind. It wouldn't be long before Corbin was set loose on my trail. I pulled my knees to my chest and let the chill of the night push back the threat of tears. My dress was in tatters and scratches littered my skin, but nothing burned worse than the sense of impending doom. Out of habit I ran a hand across my back just in case my Sai had come with me; of course they hadn't. A twig snapped and drew my attention away from the lack of weapons. I was up against the son of Death and even I knew I didn't stand a fighting chance once he found me.

Rising to my feet, I pushed deeper into the woods.

"Keep moving...just keep moving."

My voice came out a hoarse whisper as I repeated the mantra over and over again.

A static-like screech in my head sent me staggering to the side before falling once again to my knees. The demonic hiss of a voice widened my eyes and had my heart pounding in my ears.

'Oh I'd hoped it would never come to this. You were the best 'venetor' by far however, young Corbin has poisoned your mind beyond repair.'

Jerking my head from side to side, I searched for my father's form; the source of the haunting voice. I felt like an animal; stalked and toyed with until the trigger was finally pulled.

'Your mother had that same look in her eyes on the day you were conceived; desperate and willing to do anything just to stay alive. I gave her life and in return she gave me my greatest weapon. It's a shame that you both share the same fate. Run Isolde, run until your body gives out. You know how Corbin enjoys the chase.'

With a loud crack the voice left me alone once again. Everything made sense now and that knowledge alone forced me to my feet. I wasn't going to let my father have the satisfaction of watching me run for my life like a frightened rabbit. A twisted smile formed on my lips as I brushed the foliage from my dress. I was still my father's daughter after all; half Damned and Corbin's equal when it came to power. I am daddy's little girl and I was done running.

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now