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I steeled myself and moved as close to the wall as possible. The bed shifted and I braced for whatever twisted punishment his torrid mind could come up with for what I'd done tonight. Instead, all I got was a rush of his cologne and a relieved sigh as he eased himself back onto the mattress. I curled into a ball and willed my body to relax; a feat that was easier said than done.

'I'm not gonna assault you.'

His use of the link at this close a proximity only added to the tension that was swirling throughout the room. Still I felt the need to respond if only for my benefit.

'I know.'

He snorted and turned so that his bare back faced me. Tossing a glance over my shoulder, I caught sight of the black designs that decorated his pale skin; his link to his father. A demonic shock collar of sorts if you will with the power to kill or yank his sorry ass back to daddy's realm at the drop of a hat.

'There a reason you're staring?'

I jerked my head around and stared at the wall with scarlet flooding my cheeks at having been caught. The bed shook slightly with his laughter as sleep slowly embraced my mind. The last thing I consciously remembered was the gentle caress across my cheek.


The voice emanated from some unknown place but was as clear as the ring of cathedral bells.

My eyes searched the darkness only to be met with shadow and silence.

'Hello? Is anyone there?'

Soon a figure materialized and I felt my heart take up an unfamiliar rhythm. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean and as gentle as the softly rolling waves. Her long dark hair fell just below her shoulders; the color of the raven's wing. A crooked smile formed on her face as she stood there with her arms by her sides.
'Oh lost daughter,' her voice eased across my mind.

My breath hitched as my back connected with some unseen surface ceasing my frantic backpedaling.

'W-who are you?'

Even my thoughts reflected the confusion I felt.

'Child do not fear me. The ones to fear are the ones who claim to care. Beware their words dear one...beware.'

The image began to shimmer and fade into nothingness. I scrambled forward in an attempt to hold onto something, anything, just to make it remain for a moment longer.

'Wait! Don't go...,' my whispered plea fell on deaf ears as the darkness greeted me once again.


A hand on my arm jolted me from my waking dream and caused me to sit upright in bed. Drenched in sweat, my hair clung to my forehead as my breath came in pants

Corbin stared at me with concern in his emerald eyes. He gently brushed my hair from my eyes and studied my face.

"What the hell was all that?" he asked with his usual lack of empathy.

I pulled my knees to my chest and struggled to find the words to describe what I'd seen.

"I-I'm not exactly sure. What did I say?"

He ran a hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh.

"I couldn't really understand all of it said 'don't go'."

I swallowed and looked away from his questioning gaze. I couldn't bring myself to tell him I'd seen the image of my dead mother or her cryptic message.

"It was nothing...a nightmare, nothing more."

He nodded and stretched back out alongside me. I finally managed to convince myself to lie back down and turned to look at the man beside me. For all of his bluster and ego, he wasn't that bad a guy. What the hell was I saying? With a huff, I flopped back onto my side and passed it off as a side effect of our bond. Even with that conviction set in my mind, Corbin's words still echoed in my mind now combined with the riddle my mother had passed on. There was still one thing that bothered me more than the others. Normally, once a target met their untimely demise, Corbin would gloat for hours. Yet this time, he hadn't said a word.

"Corbin," I muttered without turning to look at him.

"Hm?" he grunted.

"Is it done?" I asked, not willing to phrase it any other way.

"Always is," he murmured with what I swore was a hint of sorrow in his voice.

Now that the "task" was complete we would be heading home once again at dawn. Back to our normal lives however abnormal they were.

"Guess you're harem girls will be glad to have you back," I snorted trying to lighten the mood.

Instead I felt him stiffen beside me. What had I said?

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now