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I awoke to the sensation of silk upon my cheek and the familiar scent of brimstone; home. Rising into a sitting position I took in my surroundings.

"Guess I slept too late for his majesty," I muttered.

At least he had the decency to drop me in my own room. A knock on my door got my attention and shook the last remnants of sleep from my eyes

"Come in!" I called and pulled the covers back.

Bastia, my maid, peeked her frail face around the door frame with a gentle smile.

"Did I wake you up milady?" she asked in her normal timid tone.

I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile. She entered the room and sat on the edge of my bed; something she never did.

"Your father wishes to speak with you in the Great Hall."

Her downcast eyes and guarded tone told me more than her words ever could. Something was off and I was right in the middle of it. Pushing aside the nerves, I rose and selected my wardrobe for the day. Yet another day of wearing a hideous dress that clung to every curve. With a curtsy, Bastia left the room and more worst of all, left me alone with my thoughts. I had no idea what could possibly have happened that would cause father to call a meeting of this kind but it had me on edge. I quickly changed and made my way down the hall. The candles that once calmed me now gave off an eerie glow that only increased my anxiety. As I reached the door, the sound of raised voices stayed my hand from pushing into the room.

"You dare defy my direct orders?!"

A loud crack followed followed by a pained yelp.

I couldn't take it any longer or bear to hear such abuse. I shoved the door open and saw Corbin bleeding from a gash on his forehead; my father in full blown demonic rage. Taking no regard for my own safety, I stepped into the room. Feeling my fists clench in anger at what I'd seen and heard only moments before.

"What's going on?! Father what has he done to deserve this?!" I yelled, staring daggers into the man who had raised me.

"Isolde this does not concern you!"

Steeling myself for the pain, I stepped closer still; daring him to strike me as he had done my escort.

"He and I are bonded...it does concern me Father," I spat the last word with as much venom as I could muster.

His eyes shifted from the crumpled form of Death's son on the floor to me in the blink of an eye; all of his wrath and power blazing in his gaze.

"Isolde...this is your last warning child."

Hoisting my head higher I knelt to help Corbin; ignoring the enraged growl. Throwing his arm over my shoulders, I helped him to his feet.

"I don't need your help!" he snapped and disappeared in a rush of sand.

His hasty departure left me alone in the room with a very angry and very powerful god of darkness and chaos. I braced for the mental assault and held my ground; I would stand by what I had done.

"Now, tell me what he did!"

In an out of character gesture, he ran a hand across his face in frustration and irritation.

"He disobeyed me. That is all that you need to know." His tone was even but I knew him well enough to sense the dormant wrath.

I shook my head and felt my own power surge to the forefront of my consciousness.

"No! That's not good enough this time!" I heard the demonic undertones sink into my tone as I screamed at him.

"It will suffice and this discussion ends now!"

As the last word flew from his lips the pain struck my mind. Clutching my head, I fell to my knees. Deep down, I knew this would happen; I'd played with fire by intervening in the first place.

"You will forget this event ever occurred and return to your chamber!"

The burning increased at his command but I refused to give in even as tears coursed down my cheeks; I refused to take that as an answer.

"No," I croaked out from my prone position on the floor.

His eyes flared to life once more and the fire raced through my veins. Inch by laborious inch, I stood; defying his every intent and wish. I watched his pupils dilate and braced for even more pain. Would a true father treat their child this way? Or were there more to Corbin's words than I'd originally thought. I stood firm and felt him slowly release the hold on my mind. The agony abated and I gripped the arm of the couch to steady myself.

"As you wish. You will return to your room and prepare for the ceremony tonight."

The ease at which he agreed stunned me but I took it as a small victory. Without another word, he vanished in a rush of winged illusions. My head throbbed and ached as the remnants of his mental choke hold faded away.

"Another ceremony so soon?" I asked the air around me.

It normally took weeks for another target to be chosen. That thought alone sent a shudder through me; so much evil. With a sigh and a swipe of my eyes, I turned and climbed the stairs to my room. My mind was a mass of swirling emotions as I returned to my bed in an attempt to cease the violent turbulence in my head. My mother's words echoed alongside Corbin's as I drifted into a restless slumber.

'The ones who claim to care.'

To my horror I was starting to understand exactly what she meant, or so I thought. I wasn't safe anywhere and that alone struck me blind with a new kind of fear.

I couldn't be sure how long I slept but a familiar scent roused me from my dreamless state.

Blinking, I sat up in the bed to meet the emerald eyes of my partner. His presence could only mean one thing; it was time once again.

I rose from my seated position and took in his expression; stoic and calm. The only reminder of today's scene was the fresh wound above his eye.

"I'm sorry," he muttered in a quiet tone.

I nodded not trusting my voice and not bothering to ask what he was apologizing for, though I could guess. He turned and exited my chamber and allowed me the privacy to dress in the ceremonial garb.

Once I was properly robed I pushed open the door to my room to find Corbin leaning against the wall staring off into the distance.

"You ready?" I asked in an attempt to break the silence.

He nodded and held out an arm; something he'd never done before.

Hesitantly, I took it and allowed him to lead me down to the temple. Once again, the light of the candles enveloped my vision. With a bow, he released my arm and let me cross the room to my designated chair. The atmosphere was different this time. As if they all knew something I didn't and were forbidden to speak of it. As the ceremony began, the tension mounted in the air and I fidgeted nervously with the hem of my gown.


His booming voice held the same authority that it had two nights before yet something was different. I stood and crossed to the dais to kneel in front of my father. His normally gentle grip was harsh as he grabbed my head in his hands to allow the link to open. I fought and twisted in his grip as the target was revealed.
Corbin's eyes drifted to the floor as I turned to him in a plea for help. The target had been shown to me; her flaming red hair fell below her shoulders while her ice blue eyes shown with an innocence shared by none of the previous victims.

I was the target.

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