One of us

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'Ease up amator,' his laughter carried through my mind and echoed in my veins.

'Ease up?! You did this shit on purpose daemon!' I snapped, slamming the door behind me.

Flopping down on the bed only made every horrifying scenario race to the forefront of my conscious mind. Swearing under my breath, I fought against the rising tide of that accursed emotion; lust. Yet another downfall of my father's side of the family. Demonic blood was drawn to each other like moth to flame despite how hard the moth fought to escape that urge.

'Not flapping too hard little moth.'

His seductive purr seemed to vibrate my very soul.

'You know damn well I try and fight this Corbin. The Damned craves the Damned; you and I both know that,' I hissed.

His scoff stunned me to silence.

'I'd believe that argument if you were one of the Damned.'

Time seemed to stand still as his words resonated deep within.

'What's that supposed to mean?' I asked; voice barely a whisper.

All I received in response was an otherworldly screech of pain and the snapping sound associated with a severed connection.


Panic overwhelmed all other emotions and forced me to my feet. Snatching my Sais off the table, I started for the door; stopping short when a feedback like hiss rang in my ears.

'Isolde stop!'

My father rarely utilized the connection outside of his domain but his tone was urgent.


'Stay where you are child, that doesn't concern you.'

I blinked in shock at his blatant attempt to lie to me.

'Actually, it does concern me! We were just talking about me!'


The physical pain that followed his harsh command forced me to my knees.

'Yes father,' I managed to choke out; tears filling my eyes.

'You will remain here until your consort returns.'

His tone left no room for argument even as the burning abated.

'Yes father,' was my meek reply.

There was a second snap as I hauled myself to my feet once again; I was alone. A lone tear trailed down my cheek as I crawled onto the bed. Confusion overwhelmed my senses and allowed fatigue to take hold. It wasn't long before I fell into a restless slumber.

A soft touch on my cheek roused me and caused me to sit upright with a start. Gentle green eyes greeted me with a mixture of sorrow and concern in their depths.

"Corbin?" I asked; still trying to fully wake up.

He gave me a crooked grin before moving from the bed to the chair in the corner.

"You were crying," he murmured; concern lacing his normally sardonic tone.

I swiped at my eyes in embarrassment.

"I'm fine," I muttered hurriedly.

"Isolde, if it's one thing you can't do, its lie to me," he answered coolly.

With a sigh I curled my legs underneath me. I studied his face as he stared at the floor. Exhaustion furrowed his brow yet something else clouded his gaze.

"Then...what did you mean Corbin? How am I not one of the Damned?"

He swallowed nervously as I watched his jade green eyes flick anywhere but near me.

"I just don't have the soul to be one of us."

His voice was barely a whisper and held kindness in its wake but it infuriated me all the same.

"You're lying!" I snapped.

He met my stare with emerald intensity.

"Maybe I am, but do yourself a favor; believe it."

The memory of his pain filled scream stilled my tongue. And so the dilemma took hold as we sat in silence. Do I trust my consort to tell me the truth or take it for a grain of sand and find out why he lied?

"Fine Corbin...I believe you."

I swear I heard him mutter as I turned away.

"Now who's lying?"

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