1956: chapter seventeen (+)

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Long af chapter, please spam comments through out ily

This is an important chapter that sets the whole book ok even tho it may not seem like it

I now have a YouTube channel!! It's phily cheesesteak


Wednesday June 26th, 1956

Andrew drove Luke to school the next day. They went through the front doors and straight to the office. Luke still looked like crap, but they'd covered up the black eye with Liz's old make-up.

"I'd like to talk to the principle." Andrew told the receptionist, who glanced at Luke's bruised face before nodding. She led them to the heads office, Luke being asked to stay and sit outside the office for a moment while his dad talked to the head.

Luke sat down, sighing. He was tired and his face hurt, he wouldn't think getting beaten up hurt so much.

Luke heard his name being called making him look up from his feet, he saw Reece and grinned. "Hi." Luke smiled.

"What're you doing at the principles office? Told off for being too cute?" Luke blushed at Reece's words.

The brunette moved his hand to Luke's cheek, his thumb running across Luke's bruises eye. "I'm glad I got to beat that bastard up." He mumbled. "You alright Luke?"

The blond nodded, holding Reece's hand but he let go when the door to the heads office opened. The principle came out, seeing Reece and Luke, he saw the cut on Reece's lip too. "Grean, off to class, you'll be late."

"Just saying hey to my boy, Mr Patterson." Reece grinned before he winked at Luke and left.

Luke followed Mr Patterson in to his office and Luke sat down next to his dad in the chair. "So Luke, I've talked to your father and he wants to press charges when we find out who hurt you." The head explained making Luke sigh.

"I don't want to charge them." Luke said.

"Luke, no, they're going to be arrested." Andrew said.

The head stared at Luke as the blond looked down at his shoes. "You know who hurt you don't you?" He asked Luke, who looked up.

"I-I don't, it was too dark to see." Luke lied.

"Was it Reece Grean who hurt you?" He asked, gesturing to the door, and to the situation that happened. "Has he been forcing you in--"

"No, he would never." Luke protested.

"Luke, are you telling us the truth?" Andrew asked his son.

"I promise it wasn't, Reece saw my bruises yesterday and beat the guy up." Luke said, and when he realised what he'd just said, he sunk down in to his seat.

"So you know who hurt you?"

Luke shrugged, "It doesn't matter anymore, it happened, I'm fine."

"Who did it Luke?" The head questioned.

Luke sighed, "J-Jay, the Greaser, from the other high school." Luke said.

"Well thank you for telling us." The head said, "You can head to class now if you like."

Luke and Andrew stood up, leaving the office. They got in to the hallway and Andrew grabbed Luke, brushing Luke's hair out of his face and wiping at his cheek. "Why would Reece beat up Jay?" Andrew asked.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now