1956 : chapter thirty-eight

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Y'all ain't hitting the goals you shitS, 50+ comments gO!! 


Monday February 8th, 1957.


The couple had spent their first Christmas together as a family and they had gone in to the new year as an even stronger couple. Luke had grown four months, so as he sat in bed waiting for Reece to finish in the bathroom. Luke balanced his book on his small bump, his knees up with the covers over to his chest.

Reece moved from the mirror, towards the door way and looking at his tired husband reading silently.

"Every night you stand there and watch me read." Luke said, making Reece turn and spit the foam from his mouth.

He turned back to Luke, "because when you read it's cute, especially with your lil bump." He smiled.

He wiped his mouth and washed his brush before getting in to bed beside Luke. He put an arm around the blonds shoulders, letting Luke snuggle in to him and continue reading. He kissed Luke's head before resting his cheek on it.

"Yknow Jack keeps sending letters and calling." Luke said.

"Really?" Reece asked.

Luke nodded, "I throw away the letters before you see them and he calls when you're at work." He said, before folding over the page in his book, putting it on his bedside table and leaning back in to Reece. "He pretty much gave up on me, and disowned me as his brother."

Reece sighed and put his other hand on Luke's tummy, rubbing soft circles in to his skin.

"My dad said jacks not family if he can't accept it, because Ben doesn't seem to mind apparently." Luke then said, moving so he looked up at Reece.

"He's not." Reece said, "being with someone and being normal is because you can make a baby and considering you're pregnant we should be allowed to at least be together, without being shamed for it."

Luke nodded, "I agree but it's just because we're boys, never mind if I have a baby."

Reece sighed and kissed Luke's forehead. "You know what would happen if we were found out right? That's why I barely saw you around college."

Luke nodded, "I know." He sighed.

Reece hummed before he leaned down and kissed Luke softly. "One day it'll be a lot easier."

"When our baby is older, it'll be a better, more accepting world." Luke said before yawning. "I'm exhausted, Sarah called for three hours today."

Reece chuckled, "go to sleep baby boy."

Luke nodded and let Reece snuggle down under the covers before letting the brunette wrap his arms around Luke's waist, one under his neck.

Luke pressed a kiss to Reece's arm before closing his eyes and taking a hold of Reece's hand, before he slowly fell asleep.

Reece smiled, his nose digging in to Luke's hair before kissing his neck softly. "I love you, my love."


Thursday July 13th, 1957.

A few months later and Luke was literally about to pop. He was due any day now and it's scaring the life out of the smaller blond.

Luke sat in the back garden on the bench, watching Reece throw the chicken feed on the floor for the animals. Reece wore a white shirt, and dirty blue jeans, his combat boots on. His hair was a mess and Luke couldn't think of a time where he'd looked more beautiful.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now