Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Walking into the great hall I sat down on the bench- I knew the drill. Ralph- the most annoying man i've ever met- will come out and tell me when I can enter the council chamber. You know when you are in a great mood and then you see that one person's face? They don't even have to say anything- you see there face and boom! Instantly pissed off? Yeah... thats Ralph. I hate his friggin face.

Eric sat down beside me; glancing over at him I smirked

"Have you ever worried about aids?"

His eyebrow quirked up; a smile dancing on his lips

"Um, no Ash can't say I have why?"

Eric and I have trained together since we could walk. Whenever I get an assignment that allows for me to have a partner- Eric is it. He's my best friend- with his long sandy blonde hair and broad shoulders he is the poster boy around here. Standing at a staggering 6 foot 8 he towers over most of my peers.

Smiling I rolled my hair tie off my wrist and handed it to him.

"Oh you know with how much blood is on us right now why wouldn't you worry about aids?"

He pulled his hair back into a bun, looking down at me he laughed and shook his head. Loose blonde curls fell and bounced around his face.

"This Ash-"

He motioned his hand over his body

"- is vampire blood. If we swallowed enough of it we would turn into those things so no i've always worried more about not getting a ton in my mouth and less about aids"

I glanced down, I had a few cuts on my arms- that were now invisible due to the hardening vampblood. Sighing I reached up and tightened my pony tail.

"Yeah you're right. But still- it's something we should take into consideration" I smiled and winked

Eric had one of those contagious laughs- you hear it and it is the most corniest sound that you just have to laugh with him. Throwing his arms around my shoulders i met him halfway for a kiss. It was short and sweet - he was the first to break free, I smiled and pecked his lips one more time.

"When are you going to tell Max and Gage about us? Or your dad? Have we not waited long enough?"

I hated this- one of the reasons that if his mouth wasn't so talented i'd have walked away a long time ago. I love Eric to death, he has had my back and been my shoulder to lean on. It was only natural we took our friendship to the next level- my brothers would not agree.

We weren't dating, we weren't any different around each other- we just gave each other the release we needed.

Well that's how it started out- lately he has been wanting to take it further.

Just as i was about to answer Ralph and his nasally voice echoed around us

"You may enter the chamber now"

I stood up and grabbed Anthony's heart off the floor

"Hey Ralph- catch"

Before I could throw it Eric grabbed my arm

"Remember what happened last time?"

I glanced at Ralph- his eyes in slits with a sneer on his face

"Yeah- he screamed like a little bitch when he caught it"

Laughing i smiled at Ralph as we passed him

"It's always such a pleasure Ashlynn"

Looking back at him i raised my hand with Anthony's heart and waved.

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