The summer (niall horan fanfiction)

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*So hello, i am going to try make a fanfiction of THE Niall horan, and i hope anyone would want too read it, and feel free to leave a comment below to say you're opinion about this fanfiction, maybe i will improve my writing-skills and improve my imagination. And i am sorry if i write very bad, i am not the best in english, btw i'm from norway so you guys know :) *

I looked out the window from my room. It was the second day of the summer and it was already raining. Great. I really wanted to go outside and have fun, but because of the rain, i had to stay in. 

"Emily! it's dinner" my mom yelled. I went down the stairs and see both my mum and dad sitting on the table and eating spaghetti. It's the best thing i know about, i absolutely love it. I sat beside mum and grabbed a plate and ate. My mum and dad usually were quiet on the food table, so i didn't spoke either, but now i saw my mum was about to speak.

"Emily, since there's coming lots of rain here in manchester the next few weeks, you're dad and i have decided that we should take a little vacation and drive up to our summerhouse up in folkestone. Doesn't that sound great darling?" my mum said very exciting while looking at my dad and then to me.

Folkestone. It's such a long time ago since i was there. Our family used to be there every summer, but after a wild we stopped going there because we got a little sick of being there and we wanted to discover other places than just folkestone. I have always liked folkestone. It was a place where you could go swimming and there weren't lots of people on the beach, which was what i liked. There weren't as many kids at my age there, usually old people, because it was so quiet there, wich was fine by me. But i wanted to play hide n' seek, so i usually took  a swim everyday, wich made me really good at swimming. I miss Folkestone.

 "It sounds amazing! i can't wait, but when are we leaving?" i asked. "Well, we thought tomorrow if you don't have any plans tomorrow with friends or something?". "All my friends are on vacation, i bet Lizzie is the only on who is home and reading books, haha!" i said while laughing. Lizzie is a near friend of mine who doesn't care of vacation, she just wants to read her books. 

"So it's okey if we leave by tomorrow?". "Fine by me mum!" i said, and right after i said that i took my plate to the kitchen and thanked for the food. I went up to my room and logged on facebook to check if someone had posted something interesting on my wall. Nothing. well okey. 

I logged of and started to do my makeup. The rain was gone and there was a clear and beautiful rainbow showing up in the sky. Since it was OK weather, i thought i could go out and meet one of my friends before i leave to folkestone tomorrow. Oh yeah i remember.. most of them are on vacation, but what about lizzie? but i think she rather wants to read than do something with me. Then i remembered a friend of mine said the summer was gonna be boring, so i guess that friend is home. I took up my phone and called right away. 

"Hello" i heared the person from the other line said. "Hey Ben!" i said overexcited. Gosh, it's only 2 days since summer started and i already miss him. " I was just wondering if you have any plans tonight?" i said very sensually, haha we usually joked like that. "Nope, zero plans here Em". "Well ok, do you wanna hang out or something, like i thought we could go to a club or just walk in the park, you can decide. If you want?" i asked. "Sure thing! we can go to a club, long time since i was partying babe" he said. "Well we aren't doing anything illegal, since the age limit here is 18+ and we are both 19" i said. 

"Soooo, when should i pick you up em?" he said. He was such a gentleman at times, it was sweet. "How much is it now like 6.30? you can come get me 7pm, okey?" i giggled. I was exciting. It was also a long time ago since i was out in town to party. "okey, i'll pick you up 7 babe, bye." and by that, he hung up. 

I Went to my closet too look for a dress to wear. I put them all on my bed and looked at the ones who was more for party times. After a couple of minutes i found the perfect one. It was a black(ofc) dress that almost didn't reach to the bottom of my bum, so i couldn't bend cause' then my ass would show. After putting it on, i went to the mirror beside my bed and took on some mascara and to finish the look, a pink nude lipstick. 

Wow, the clock was already 6.55, so i guessed Ben had already left his home by now. I took on some high heels to make the outfit complete and a brown little purse to have my phone and money in. When i went downstairs the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw a handsome Ben in a white shirt with a V-neck and black pants. His hair was in a quiff, wich made him really attractive i must say. "Wow Em, you look really good, like hot! you are on fire!" i blushed a little. "You don't look as bad yourself mister" i winked at him.

I saw my parents laying on the couch and watched tv. I said to them that i was going to the town with Ben to party. They nodded and said ok. I gave both of them a hug and went to the door. 

"Ready Emily?". "Ready" i said and smiled. And by that, i sat in Ben's car. 


So what do you guys think, was it good or was it bad? did i like write TOO much or something? this is my ever first fanfiction, so i hope it's atleast readable :D i will try update much, but tomorrow i will be going on camping with my parents, and i don't know if there's any wifi there, but i will maybe write more later today or tomorrow before i leave. xx

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