☽ Tear the Whole World Down ☾

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The Town

"Everyone get in the that store, now. And hide. Just do it. I swear to God, move. Move!" I shouted, all but pushing my closest friends into the store. This was for their own good, they just didn't know it. They did, giving me weird looks, but they did, and for that I was grateful. Not a second later then when I dived behind the counter did a stream of jet black energy blast down the street right in front of the shop we were in.

"Oh my God! Kimizuki, how did you know that would happen!" Mitsuba whispered shakily, voice filled with horror as the windows shattered inwards, spraying the floor around us. We could all clearly see 5 different people as they died screaming, bleeding, a hopeless look in their eyes. We were behind two different bakery  counters, hunched over, and scared. Yoichi was behind the counter to the right with me, and Mitsuba and Shinoa were behind the one to the left, both had started crying, Mitsuba had a hand clamped over her mouth, sickened and saddened by their deaths.

"I remembered. You guys should too. That was my sister." I whispered, voice steady and steely. They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Remembered what?! What is there to remember!?" Shinoa whisper yelled at me. I shrugged.

"You guys got to remember." I said, and then stood up when I knew she was recharging. I walked, silent and commanding, my feet making crunching sounds as I walked closer to the door. I lowered my hands a little to the side, just like all those years ago, and materialized my double swords.

"Holy shit! Kimizuki, where did those come from!" Shinoa yelped as I cut the air with them, testing them. Still sharp.

"Demon weapon. You guys have some too. Now, I suggest you get your memories back before I die horribly out there. Bye, Felicia." I said, turning back around and stepping into the late afternoon sunlight, smirking. 

It took me a minute to adjust to the sun, but when I finally did, I looked up to a much closer now giant silhouette. 

"Hi, Mirai." I said with a sad smile. And with that, I lunged.


The City

I had just been minding my goddamn business when a bunch of humans started running in the opposite way I was heading. I was just going to take out my sword and slaughter the bunch of inconsiderate humans when I spotted what they were running from. A giant wall of white, turning every human it caught into salt and disintegrating them on contact. I quickly jumped up to a high window of an office building, punching out the window and landing on that floor. I tsked, looking down at the damage done by it. I didn't exactly know what had done this, but I had an idea.

A pretty damn perfect idea, in my opinion. I looked up, scanning the skies, spotting a dark spot high above the middle of the city. I tried getting a closer look but to no avail from where I was. I noticed it wasn't that high above the top of the tower near the center though, so I dropped down from position, running swiftly to that building. On my way, everything was covered in salt. Everything. 

I climbed the stairs quickly, jumping to every landing and getting to the top within a minute or less. I kicked open the door to the roof, and there, standing there, was what appeared to be a boy with black hair, amber and black eyes, and black tree like wings shooting out of his back, a white particle spear resting by his side.

But what I saw, however, was so much more. A thousand memories, whispered words, and emotions I hadn't felt for a very long time all hit me at once, and I smiled wistfully.

"I'm sorry, Yuu-chan." It whipped around at the sound of my voice, grimacing, and raised it's spear. I opened my mouth to say something more, but it swung it's arm down, and all I could do was block the blow.

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