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A few miles outside of Mystic Falls lived the most vicious vampire on earth. Not many knew her, just a handful. Many had heard of her though, and chose to stay away. Only a lunatic would dare get close to her.

Using the back of her hand, the redheaded vampire wiped blood off of her pink lips. She opened the door to her small apartment. Although the vampire fancied a luxurious and comfortable life, she did not feel it was right to be happy while her soulmate was away.

You see, this vicious vampire was married to a vampire much worse than herself. They were soulmates. The universe wanted them to meet; it was written in the stars. While they were getting more and more powerful and feared in the world, the bastard Mikaelson was the least talked about. So, he did what he did best and he put an end to it.

Without her soulmate, the vicious vampire was practically nothing. She was extremely unstable and psychotic. The smallest things made her snap and she killed without second thought.

Her soulmate, Kol, was no better, of course. He was just as crazy, if not more. They just grounded each other. They inspired each other to be better. Not too good though. They didn't get their reputation from nowhere.

The vicious vampire, Rosemary, tried to tame her hair with a scowl on her face. The guy she had been feeding off apparently had a hair-pulling kink, since he kept pulling and tugging at her hair. He even kicked her once, which resulted in Rosemary breaking his neck instead, appetite lost.

A few months ago, word had gotten to Rosemary that her worst enemy, Niklaus, had found his doppelgänger and broken the curse his mother put on him years ago. Rosemary considered contacting him and telling him all the details he needed so that he would succeed in his plan, but her hatred for him was stronger than her survival instinct. Knowing that he was failing in the creation of creating hybrids though, brought Rosemary more satisfaction that any revenge plans she could come up with.

A sigh left Rosemary's lips as she entered her living room. She lied on her couch, throwing an arm over her head. All she wanted was to wake up with Kol next to her. It seemed like it had been a million years since she saw him get daggered right in front of her. Of course, she wanted to kill Niklaus after that, but he had 200 years on her and she was practically powerless against him now that he was a hybrid. Let's not mention the fact that he was unkillable now.

A loud ring coming from her phone startled the old vampire. She looked down and saw an unknown number calling. During normal circumstances, she would not answer. But a little voice in the back of her head told her to ignore herself and do the smart thing for once. She pressed the green button and lifted the phone to her ear, saying, "Hello?" with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hello, darling!" Rebekah chirped into the phone. Rosemary raised her eyebrows, genuinely surprised to hear her sister-in-law's voice. How Rebekah even managed to find her number was something beyond Rosemary, but she decided to not question it.

"Niklaus finally undaggered you?" Rosemary questioned instead, even though the answer was pretty clear.

"Yes, he did," Rebekah said. Rosemary heard a groan on the other side of the line, followed by a sigh and then a snap.

Rosemary raised her left eyebrow. "Whose neck did you break?"

Rebekah said, "Stefan Salvatore," and Rosemary swore she could her a hint of happiness in the blonds voice.

Rosemary let out a laugh. "The infamous ripper still alive? How exciting." She thought back to the days she ran with him, both on a murderous rampage.

"Yes," Rebekah sighed. "But, he was dishonest with Niklaus. You know how grumpy he gets when he doesn't get his way. That why I am now breaking his neck every time he wakes up," she explained. "Which reminds me. I need you to come to Mystic Falls."

Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you need me for?" She asked unwarily.

"The obvious reason; I missed you!" Rebekah said. Rosemary raised both her brows now, not believing the youngest Mikaelson. "I dare you to raise your eyebrow."

"Already am."

"Bloody knew it." Rebekah muttered under her breath, making Rosemary chuckle. She liked that she and Rebekah could go back to normal and talk like they always did, even though it had been over eighty years since they'd seen each other last.

Rosemary looked up at the ceiling before she sighed and brought up the subject that had been on her mind all through out their conversation. "Is Kol," she paused, not really knowing how to ask if Kol was alive or not.

Rebekah let out a breath before replying, "No, Rose. I'm sorry," She said. "Which brings me to why I actually called you," Rebekah announced.

"Well?" Rosemary pressed.

"I need you to come here and convince Niklaus to undagger my brothers," Rebekah said after a few moments of silence.

Rosemary looked at the phone as if her look would reach Rebekah. When the redhead didn't hear any laughter, she brought the phone to her ear again. "You cannot be serious."

"Yes, I am. You know a lot. If anyone could bribe my brother, it's you," Rebekah argued.

   "Nik hates me, you know that right?" Rosemary asked.

   "You're great at getting what you want, Rose. It might take a few weeks, but I'm sure you're gonna succeed."

"Alright," Rosemary said after a few moments of silence. "Guess I'll be seeing you soon, darling," she said before hanging up, an unreadable expression on her face. She wasn't sure how this was gonna turn out, but she couldn't wait to find out.

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