chapter two

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Rosemary grabbed Tyler by the neck and forced his head down. She kicked the doors to the gym open while tightening her hold on the werewolf.

"Get off of me!" Tyler exclaimed, gaining everyone's attention. Rosemary rolled her eyes as she dragged him through the gym.

"Hush now," Rebekah said as she walked towards Niklaus, a few steps in front of Rosemary and Tyler. Tyler kept on struggling which annoyed the redhead. "I'm seconds away from snapping your neck and there's no coming back from that for you, so I strongly suggest you keep still."

   The werewolf stopped trashing around and struggling. Rosemary shared a look with Rebekah as Niklaus said, "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah,". He looked at the humans, and that's when Rosemary saw the doppelgänger. "Word of warning... She can be quite mean."

   "Don't be an ass," Rosemary scoffed. Niklaus smirked and looked at the vampire who was almost as old as the originals.

   "And the happy homicidal maniac, Rosemary. How are you, love?" Niklaus asked. Rosemary faked a smile as she threw Tyler into Niklaus' arms.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Rosemary said politely. Klaus looked down at Tyler as Elena yelled, "Leave him alone!"

Rosemary looked at the doppelgänger with a strange look on her face. "Who allowed you to breath?" The redhead questioned, glaring down Elena.

"I'm going to make this very simple," Niklaus said and dragged Tyler with him so that he stood in the center of everything. "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition," Klaus explained. Rosemary looked at the doppelgänger, who was standing next to two unknown humans. All Klaus needed was some of her blood to feed to Tyler while he was in transition.

Rosemary signed. "If only someone had a soulmate who knew about this stuff. And if only that someone knew what is going on because their soulmate share everything with them," she said as she studied her nails. Rebekah rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Rosemary had it all figured out by now.

Niklaus ignored Rosemary, knowing that she wasn't going to say anything useful to him anytime soon, and looked down at Tyler. "It's quite horrible, actually," he said before vamping out. He bit his wrist and made Tyler drink his blood. Tyler struggled, of course. But Niklaus was simply stronger. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... You better hurry," Klaus said as he fed Tyler his blood before snapping his neck.

The humans all looked down at Tyler's body in shock while Rosemary simply smiled, deep down very happy to be back with her family.


"What do you know?" Niklaus asked Rosemary. Rebekah, Niklaus and Rose were all sitting on the bleachers while the humans were still processing the death of their friend.

Rosemary picked at her nails and asked, "Niklaus, don't you know a thing about me?" She looked up and said, "This very important information I have is the key to solving your, " Rosemary paused, looking for the right words for this situation. After a few short seconds, she settled on, "Little problem here. If you wish to know what is wrong with your hybrids, you have to give me something in return." Rosemary stated.

Klaus' eyes darkened. "No. I don't think so," he said, already knowing what she was going to demand.

"Well, then you're going to have to find your solution from that witch, which will take a very long time. And with your luck, the boy is gonna die before you find the solution," Rosemary said, sharing a look with Rebekah. The girls knew that this plan was failing before it even begun. Which was a bad thing. But Rosemary had to keep trying, and she would find another way.

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