I Would do Anything for You

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Setting: they are stranded in a mall right now with the rest of group.  (Shortly before Alexandria)

My muscles in my legs became sore as they pushed on, running from the men and women who have been shooting at the group, causing us to lose each other.  I find an old gaming store and slide under the gate that is partially opened at the bottom.  Once I get inside, a putrid smell emits from the back corner and I gag, leaning on the counter.  The air around me is hot and sickly.  I put my head down on the counter, trying to catch my breath.
I take the gun out of my pants and place it on the counter.  I look at my remaining ammo.  Four shots left.  I huff and put the weapon in my hands, putting it at my side.  I turn around, looking towards the gate to see if any of the men or women were on my trail still or if I could see any of the other people of the group. 
I hear the click of a gun and instantly turn around, pointing my gun out towards the figure.



I walk towards the counter, barely being able to see anything in the dark.
I see the familiar blue eyes and the sheriff's hat.
Carl points out a finger at me before leaning over and vomiting behind the counter.  I reach across the counter and place a hand on his back.
Carl stands up straight after a while, his eyes wide, his breathing heavy.
"Sorry." He mumbles before climbing over the counter.

"I get it." Even though this situation is bad Carl never fails to make me grin. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him.
"Grimes, you look like shit."

"I twisted my ankle when the strangers first started shooting at us. Then one of the bullets went right by my ear and I ran the fuck out of there." Carl inspects me over.
"Are you hurt at all?"

"I'm okay. We have to find the others before those idiots bring the dead on us from their shooting." I try to pull Carl along but he winces and hisses in pain.
"Right, your ankle. Let me see it."

"I'm fine. We need to go."

"Carl, just let me see it."

"You don't need to see-"

"Hands where I can see them!" The raspy voice makes my breath hitch. Carl's widens his eyes and looks at the tall figure that's standing behind me.

"Turn around n-"

I can feel the blood on my back first which makes me cringe. I turn around to see Rick has stuck a blade into the man's head.

"Come on. Whatever you do stay quiet, stay low, and don't use your gun unless I say." Rick tells through gritted teeth.

"Carl's hurt." I whisper, pointing at his ankle.

"I'm fine. Dad, we need to go."

"Can you walk?"

Carl nods.

"Then let's go."

We duck under the small gate and run across the mall.

"There you are shit faces!"

"Run! Now!" Rick starts running towards the door. I run by Carl who is limping slightly but still going quick. As I am nearing the door, other members of the group are joining us and getting out of this mess. I slip on a conformity in the floor and fall onto my stomach. Carl stops a few feet ahead.

"Come on y/n!" Carl starts running back to me. I start to get up but someone grabs my ponytail.

"Not so fast! I got my hands on one of you!"

Carl stops in his tracks and pulls out his gun.

"Don't come any closer now boy! Or your girlfriend gets it." I feel the barrel of the gun land on my head and tears form in my eyes.
"If you leave now, I won't kill her or you. Your girl and I will be fine. We'll have some fun." The nasty man's fingers trace my cheek and I whimper, pulling away only a little.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now