You Like Her

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Carl's PoV
Yay :)

"Hey, no cheating!"  I laugh as Michonne tries to push me off the train tracks. 

"I'm not, I'm not!" 

Y/n who is walking by my dad turns her head around at the loud voice and giggles at us.  Her small laugh and her stare makes all the blood rush to my cheeks and butterflies swarm in my stomach.  My foot slips and I stumble off the tracks, falling onto my butt.  I feel my face heat and dart my eyes to y/n who is holding in a giggle.
Michonne laughs at me before helping me up.  I look at y/n who is walking beside my father once again.

"You like her."

"Huh?" I get back on the side of the train track, stick my arms out for balance and continue walking.


"What? No, I don't!" I shake my head and look at Michonne. She has a smirk drawn on her face with an eyebrow raised.
I roll my eyes,

"I knew it." Michonne shakes her head and looks ahead. She giggles a little.
"And you aren't going to tell her?"

"Pfft, she doesn't like me." I shake my head, looking at my feet.

"Look again."

I look up to see my dad talking to y/n. She is no longer looking at him but has her head turned back towards me. When she sees my eyes locked with hers she smiles and turns her head back towards my dad, pretending to be focused on the conversation the whole entire time.

"You think so Michonne?"

Michonne looks at me kindly before my dad stops.
"We should stop here along the tracks. It's pretty open. We can see around us."

The sun was setting quickly as we set up our camp. My dad lit a low fire as Michonne sets out blankets and some sleeping bags for Y/n and I. Y/n starts to blow on the fire, helping my dad.

"Carl and y/n should check down the tracks a bit. Maybe they cross through a town or at least by one."

"Are you going with them?"

"We have to secure the perimeter. They can handle it."

"I don't want them going alone at night."

"We'll be back before the sun goes down all the way. Come on dad. We can do it." I plead, looking at y/n who is now standing and waiting anxiously for my father's answer.

"Fine. Hurry." My dad hugs me tensely before patting my shoulder. Y/n and I walk on the tracks. We make our way down, tired from the long day. Y/n starts giggling when I start walking on the beam, balancing like what Michonne and I were doing earlier in the day.

"What?" I laugh a little from her sweet giggle.

"Did it hurt?"

"When I fell from heaven?" I raise an eyebrow at her along with a smirk. She pushes me gently and rolls her eyes playfully.

"No, when you fell on your ass back there." She laughs at me and balances on the beam across from me. She sticks her arms out for balance as do I. We walk along slowly, our arms out, trying not to fall off. Y/n starts to lean my way.

"Don't fall." I grab her hand and she looks at me with a huge smile. Our hands were intertwined as we balanced on the tracks.

"You'll catch me."  She smiles at me.  I grin back.

"I know."  I look down at my feet, making sure they stay on the track.

"So, Rick-your dad is feeling better."

"Whenever he's with you he can't stop talking.  You make him smile.  You're kind of like the dream kid he always wanted."

"What about you?" She cocks her head at me and then brings her attention back to her feet.

"Heh, your hilarious." I say sarcastically.
"M-me? His dream kid? Not exactly."

"Carl, how are you holding up?" 

My thumb traces over her nervously,
"Um, we should probably hurry back. It's getting dark."

"Shit!" She falls onto the opposite side of the track, bringing me along with her. I land on top of her, our hands still connected. My hat falls onto her lap. We both groan quietly in pain. I look at her, expecting her to cry, yell, kick, scream, whatever! But instead she laughs. She laughs loudly and beautifully. I begin laughing to as she says,
"You were supposed to catch me numb nuts!" Y/n giggles while putting my hat on her head.

"I knew you were falling for me." I say in a deep voice and wink cheekily at her.

"Get over yourself!" She pushes me slightly. I don't know if it was the beautiful sun setting under the horizon, her hand in mine, or the fact that she looked so god damn sexy in my hat, but I went for it. I cupped her cheeks quickly and slammed my lips onto hers. Her eyes were wide with shock but then closed before she wrapped a fistful of my shirt around her hand and pulled me even closer to her. When we pull apart I let out a high pitched giggle. She laughs a little as well and then kisses my cheek. My eyes widen in shock and absolute love for this girl. We stand up, our hands still intertwined. We start heading back towards Michonne and my dad.

"Shoot." I pull the candy bar that Michonne gave me earlier out of my pocket. I feel it from outside the wrapper. Just what I expected; melted and crushed.
Y/n laughs at me a little as I give her a pouty face. I open the wrapper and somehow break the mess of a candy bar in half. I give her the other half and say,
"We share everything."

We bite into the sweet while walking to the camp. Our hands never leave each other's and my eyes never leave her.


The walk went by way to fast.

"Hey y/n, could you help me with this?" My dad asks near the fire before we're barely there.

"Coming!" She gives a smile and starts to walk away. I pull her back by her wrist and give her a small kiss on the cheek. Y/n's cheeks turn red before she runs off to my dad.
Michonne walks over to me and crosses her arms, smirking.

"What happened?"

"I like her."

Michonne chuckles, pats my shoulder, and starts to walk away. I shake my head, knocking myself out of my daze, and start jogging towards the camp.

Thank you all so much 1000 reads :)

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