Stay for a While

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Setting: Alexandria, after Carl's eye got shot.

The morning sun shone through the window, illuminating the room in a gorgeous morning light.  Sleep wants to take over me once again and pull me.  I roll over, Carl's strong arm is draped over me.  I face him and smile at his closed eye and soft lips. I sigh happily at his relaxed expression, but then huff as I remember I have to help Daryl, Rosita, and Eugene with a run today. I sigh in content once again before pressing my lips to Carl's, trying not to wake him. He doesn't stir in his sleep, not a bit. I carefully maneuver myself from under his arm and drape my legs over the bed. My bare arms collect goosebumps since all I am wearing a tank top and my lace panties. How I wish I could just stay under these blankets and in Carl's arms all day. I'm about stand up off the bed but a large arm wraps around my waist and pulls back into the bed and under the covers. I smile when I feel Carl pull me against his chest.

"Carl, I have to go." I yawn with a grin on my face.

"Stay for a while." His voice is deep and raspy from just waking up. His fingers trace my shoulders softly. I roll over to face him and once I do, he can tell, and even with an eye closed, he smiles.

"I can't.  I promised Dar-"

"He'll be fine.  I won't be if you leave."  He giggles a little and yawns tiredly.

"Let me up Grimes."  I pull myself out from under his grasp and he finally opens his eye a little. He gives up with a pout and pulls his pillow closer to himself.
I pull open Carl's drawer.

"You can't wear one of my shirts if you aren't staying." I hear him mumble.

"Oh bite me." I giggle as I grab one of his plain back t shirts.

"Get back in bed and I'll see what I can do." A chill runs up my spine as I realize his words are being whispered into my ear and his cold fingertips are pulling my tank top up. I swat his hands away, smiling and grab a plain black t shirt from his drawer. The material is soft and smells strongly of him and his room. I pull it over my head and quickly put my hair up. Carl stares at me with a smirk as I pull my jeans up my long legs. I grab my holster that was left on the floor and wrap it around my waist.
Carl sits on the bed again,
"I'm exhausted." He flops down on the bed again, face first. I giggle and look at my tired boy for a few more seconds. Carl's bare torso shines in the sun, his long legs are tangles in the sheet, his boxers hanging low on his waist. I place a hand on his shoulder and use my other hand to move his hair out of his tired eye and off his forehead. He smiles exhaustedly at me as I kiss his forehead.

"You're sure you can't stay?"

"Sorry. I'll be back."

"Promise?" He mutters while falling back into a deep sleep.



I kick a few leaves out of the way as Daryl leads us through the forest.

"I wanted to check this place down over here.  Should be stocked to the jar full of food."  Eugene says confidently while looking at a map. 

"I can't believe we got dragged into babysitting you."  Rosita complains, moving a branch out of her way. 

"I'd like to think you guys are accompanying me on a mission for a surplus."  Eugene has such a funny way of talking.

Daryl whistles to us, making us all turn our heads.  I hop in front of Eugene, knowing the man isn't that trained in taking care of himself.  About five walkers make our way towards us.  I take my machete out of my holster and swing it towards a walkers head.  I kick the body off my machete and turn around for the next biter.  Eugene has stuck a knife into its head.  He tries to copy my move and kick the body off the blade but it moves onto me, knocking me down in the mud.  I scoff, push the body off of me and stand up.  I sling my arm, knocking the mud off my arm.  I wipe my cheek with my arm, trying to get any of the mud off.

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