2 ☞ left alone with him

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Harry sits by his desk working on his new song, Harry wasn't a famous song writer he didn't get a lot but enough to survive. Every time someone bought a song from him he kind of hoped the song wouldn't turn into a hit, because Harry always told everyone that he wrote from personal experience, he never showed the lyrics to anyone other than the person that will buy it.

If one day Louis or Dylan read or listen to his song lyrics , they would totally get it because it's so obvious how the song is about his unwanted love for louis. he can't let that happen it would ruin everything.

So he privately works on his new song ,witch personally he thinks it's the best one he's written so far . The Song is perfect it goes with any style of music. The song is called why do I have to like him.

After he finished writing the song he decides to take a bath, stripping his clothes off he turns in the hot water and Pops In the Guardian of the Forest bath bomb. He has always used this particular bath bomb, only because one day he heard Louis saying it was his favorite.

When he's finished He gets out of the bath , puts on some comfy clothes and goes to the kitchen to try and make something to eat considering he's not a really good cook. So he tries to make some pancakes , he thinks it shouldn't be that hard . He mixes the ingredients in a bowl and starts putting it in the hot pan , when suddenly he hears the doorbell ring.

He goes to open the door and sees that it's Dylan and Louis. He loves hanging out with his best friend ,he really does but he always seems to bring Louis along with him. doesn't he see that it hurts to see the boy ? I guess not, no one does.

"Aren't you gonna let us in"Dylan says while interrupting his thoughts

"Oh sorry" harry apologizes. "come in, i was gonna watch some Netflix"

"You haven't continue to watch American horror story without me have you" Dylan asked concerned

"Of course not, it's our thing remember" harry replies and Dylan is relieved

"Harry what's that smell?" louis asks with the smell of smoke

"OH SHIT THE PANCAKES" harry shouts ,while he runs to the kitchen to find the burnt pancakes.

"haz I don't even know why you try to cook" Dylan says while laughing

"It's not funny" harry says "what am I going to eat now" he asks

"Calm down I'll just go grab a pizza, you and Lou stay here"

What ? has Dylan gone insane why does he think it's a good idea to leave Harry alone with Louis . Harry can't let this happen , he just can't.

"What no ! I'll just ask someone to deliver it" harry says with the tone of desperation in his voice

"Harry whats the point of getting someone to deliver it, I can get pizza just around the corner" Dylan makes his point. "what ever I'm going i'll be back in a few" Dylan gives louis a quick kiss before leaving.

So there they are, sat in a couch in complete silence. even though Harry is looking directly at the TV screen, he has no clue what he's watching he's too busy with his thoughts.

"Harry?" Louis says while breaking the silence

"Yeah" Harry replies

"Can i ask you something?"

"Sure"Harry says terrified, of what the beautiful boy might ask

"Why don't you like me?"

"What makes you think that"

"harry don't play dumb with me, every time I try to talk to you, you push me away. you should've seen yourself , you were terrified just because I'm staying here with you  for a couple of minutes. If you would at least let me talk to you, you can see that I'm actually fun to hang out with. I know how special you are to Dylan, you guys are best friends you know him more than I do, I just want to be friends with my boyfriends best friend, is that too much to ask"

Harry needs to process everything Louis just said before he replies. Harry hates himself even more, Now louis thinks he doesn't like him which is completely the opposite but obviously he can't know that. He has to confess he is a bit hurt by the fact that Louis only wants to be his friend. But obviously he couldn't want more, he already has a boyfriend which is harry's best friend . he doesn't see harry in that way

"I'm sorry if i made you think that it's just.........it's complicated you wouldn't understand, I mean you would but I just can't tell you ,gosh I need to shut up"

"What? I'm kind of lost here "

"I'm a very complicated person"

"I can tell" Louis says with a small giggle. "friends?" Louis asks while opening his arms, gesturing for a hug

"Friends."Harry says while hugging Louis, he has never had such a special hug before. he loves the feeling of having his arms wrapped around Louis, like he could pretend just for this second louis was his and no one else's

He's definitely going to regret all of this tomorrow.

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