35 ☞ bestfriend at day boyfriend at night

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"Good morning sunshine" Harry says as he sees Louis opening his eyes, he has to admit he woke up a while before Louis but just stayed there looking at him sleeping like an angel.

"Good morning handsome creep" Louis giggles burying his face on Harry's neck, "what do you want for breakfast?" Harry ask softly rubbing Louis' back.

"I want coco pops"

Harry roles his eyes at his unhealthy boyfriend, "I meant an actual breakfast that you have to make". "But it is an actual breakfast and luckily all you have to put is milk, win win" Louis adds.

"Fine, coco pops it is" when will Harry be able to say no to the love of his life,probably never.

Louis kisses Harry's cheek before both of them get out of bed, because believe it or not morning breath is real. They head to the bathroom to have a shower together before going downstairs to eat.

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"I'm gonna have lunch with Liam and remi on my break today, you can join us if you want" Louis says before taking another spoon of cereal in his mouth.

"I'd love to but Dylan texted me asking if we could go out to eat, i said yes, we haven't spent a lot of time together lately"

"I understand and I agree you guys should see each other more often, it is a bit my fault anyways", since Harry and Louis have gotten together he has spent more time with Louis , it's true but he can make time for both of them now.

"Well you didn't force me to stay with you all the time" Harry says, "well i am un resistible" Louis jokes.

"You sure are"

Louis gets up from his seat and sits on Harry's lap, kissing him softly on the lips, he can taste the chocolate in his tongue and he loves it , the best combination, Harry hugs Louis tighter around his waist.

Before things get carried away Louis breaks the kiss with one last peck, "I have to go to work now, see you tonight?" Louis gets his coat and keys, "okay, bye baby" Harry grins as Louis turns around, " you know I love it when you call me that, but it's not gonna make me stay" Harry pouts and with a good bye he's out the door.

Harry doesn't believe he can love that man even more than he already does.

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So Harry and Dylan were doing some catching up, Dylan was saying how things have been good with his family, his parents are finally getting along after the divorce, job and relationship has been all good which Harry finds hard to believe about the relationship part, how can anyone be happy dating that douche bag, he isn't going to say anything though, even though it's his best friend he doesn't think he's in the right position for who he's dating at the moment, with the whole thing about Louis being his best friends ex.

"We should totally watch star wars on the next movie night" Harry suggests after movie topics come up, "totally even though we've watched it like a hundred times" Dylan laughs.

"It never gets old" Dylan gets a text message from the fifth time since they sat down, let's not count the rest when they went shopping. "Sorry, it's chad, he gets worried if I don't text back" Dylan explains. "Haven't you told him where you are" Harry asks he's mostly acting dumb, he knows what's going on, chad knows Dylan is with him, that's why he keeps texting so he can disturb them.

"He does, I'll just tell him were busy" Dylan types quickly before putting away his phone, Harry doesn't get why Dylan doesn't see it, he's so naive when it comes to chad.

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