36 ☞ double date

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this book is almost finished

A few weeks later...

Things have been grate between Harry and Louis, people would say they are like too in love elderly couple, even though non of them have said the l word to each other, Louis knows Harry loves him because of the song, Harry hasn't said it in person because he's scared of Louis not saying it back after all he knows that Louis knows, so he'll wait until Louis says it or if he even feels it.

Turns out remi is pregnant, Liam and remi couldn't be more happy, almost as much as Louis, Harry has catched him online shopping for baby clothes when Remi's bump isn't even showing yet, let's just say he's excited.

Dylan and Harry have never been closer, you would think with all that has happened things would be a little awkward between them, but no it has made them closer, it's like now there friendship can survive anything.

It's the weekend, the day of the week where you can sleep late and relax,  well at least to Louis it is, in the other hand to Harry weekends are cleaning the house days, Louis is still in bed,  Harry realises he has ran out of some cleaning products, so he leaves a note saying he'll be back soon if Louis wakes up before he arrives.

He doesn't need the car, the super market is pretty close, once he's there he gets what he needs but he decides to get one more thing, some flowers for Louis he looks at the flowers thinking of getting roses but they are a little cliche, he remembers Louis saying in a conversation that he likes daisies so Harry gets the prettiest.

He hears laughter next to him, he looks to his left and sees chad and some other guy being very friendly to each other but not enough to consider cheating, he leaves before chad sees him and doesn't think anything else about the situation.

When Harry gets home he sees no sign of Louis, he figuresLouis is still asleep, Harry decides to wake him up or he'll sleep all day.

He goes to their bedroom, he doesn't see Louis in bed but he does hear Louis' humming. He goes towards the bathroom room to see Louis brushing his teeth, "wow up already love?" Harry asks, Louis spits out the rest of toothpaste in his mouth and pretends to laugh at Harry's sarcasm.

Harry turns Louis around by the hips and leans in to kiss the soft minty lips of his boyfriend, Louis kisses back biting softly on Harry's bottom lip because he knows Harry loves it.

They brake the kiss with one last peck."so what exciting adventure do you have for us today Harold" Louis rests his arms around Harry's neck.

"First of all don't call me that it makes me feel like you're my mate, not my boyfriend, second of all how about some cleaning " Louis rolls his eyes at Harry's suggestion.

"Cleaning!? I refuse" Louis walks out of the bathroom to put on some clothes. "Come on the house is a mess and we can go out for dinner tonight when we finish"


"Okay but first close your eyes"

"Ok" louis says giving Harry a confused look. Harry pics up the flowers from next to the bed and puts them in front of Louis. "You can open them now"

Louis slowly opens his eyes but once he sees Harry in front of him with beautiful daisies he almost let's out a tear "You got me flowers!?" Harry nods, Louis takes the flowers from Harry's hand giving him a tight hug.

"What would i do with out you, i love them thank you" he says smiling like crazy.

"It's ok, anything to see that smile" Harry can't help his cheesiness but it's true,"Stop your going to make me blush" Louis states giving Harry a kiss.


It's now a couple hours later, Louis and Harry were taking a brake after lunch, they both sat on the couch, Louis watched tv with his head resting on Harry's lap while Harry texted Dylan.

Harold 🐸: how did the job interview go?

Dilly 🐨: I think it went well hopefully I'll get a positive phone call tonight.

Harold 🐸: I'm sure you will

Dilly 🐨: if i do get the job i can't wait to call chad and tell him the good news, he's more excited than me.

Harry might have a guess of why that is, maybe because this new job will give Dylan the double amount of money he got on his last job, and let's just say Dylan definitely didn't get an average salary.

Harold 🐸: why call him? I thought you said he was staying over for a couple of weeks.

Dilly 🐨: he was but he had to go to see his family in Scotland.

Wait what?

Harold 🐸: are you sure?

Dilly 🐨: yeah, why do you ask?

Harold 🐸: it's just, I might be wrong but I think i saw him in the supermarket today, maybe it was someone else

Dilly 🐨: yeah, you probably confused him with someone else, he's definitely in Scotland.

Harold 🐸: yeah you're probably right, I'll talk to you later, I have some cleaning up to finish.

Dylan 🐨: sure ttyl


Niall had called a couple hours ago to see what they were up too and they all decided to go on a double date to this new Chinese restaurant in town.

It was now time to leave the house and meet Niall and Adam at the restaurant, "love we're going to be late, come on" Harry shouted, Louis was still upstairs getting ready. "I'm coming" Louis shouted back.

Louis came down the stairs wearing a Botton up shirt and some jeans, as simple as it sounds Harry thought Louis looked amazing, "you look stunning" Harry says giving his boyfriend a quick kiss, "thank you, I guess I have to keep up with the style expert" Harry laughs and opens the door for Louis to go first before locking it behind him and getting in the car.


"Oh please don't try to act innocent, I remember you telling me that you used to skip classes just to make out in the library " Niall shots back, Louis had told Adam some things Niall did in school and Harry teased him about it.

"And here i was thinking you were a goody two shoes" Louis pretends to be shocked, "well at least you guys have fun memories, school sucked for me" Adam shares "I find that hard to believe" Harry says, I mean how can a person like Adam be nothing more than popular, "I totally get you, school sucked for me too" Louis agrees.

The night continued with them talking and laughing some more about random things, then they all headed  home for the night.

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