11 ☞ moveing to LA

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A couple weeks later...

So there harry was, bags packed waiting for the taxi, ready to start a new chapter in his life. He's moving to LA, apparently songwriters have better opportunities in LA, most of the successful singers all live there, so he has better chances of getting recognize.

A couple weeks ago, he signed a contract allowing his song 'why do I have to like him' to be on Ed Sheeran's new album. The album is going to come out in a couple of weeks, so it's better for him not to be in DonCaster and see Dylan and Louis after the song comes out. He hasn't seen Dylan and Louis since he confessed his love for Louis to Dylan, Him and Harry have talked a couple of times on the phone, but it was awkward, nothing like how they talked before.

Harry wants to keep some time away from Doncaster and have some time to sort out his life, away from everything especially Louis, he can't be in doncaster after the song comes out, what if he bumps into Louis, he literally wouldn't know what to do.

What if louis hates Harry for it, what if he blames harry for the end of his relationship, what if louis screams and shouts at harry for loving him, harry felt tears rolling down his cheeks, by picturing the boy he loves so much doing that.

"Harry get your self together, new start remember" Harry said to him self after quickly wiping the tears off his face.

Harry grabbed his coat walking out the door, leaving his cozy apartment that he sure was gonna miss.

⚆ _ ⚆

A couple weeks later...

After what seemed like an eternity, Ed's album finally came out and obviously it's a hit, the whole world is listening to it, but what Harry wasn't expecting was his song
to be so recognized and it's not even a single, but some how the whole world knows the song lyrics, everyone loves it, for Harry it's absolutely mind blowing.

But obviously that gives him mixed feelings, he loves having his work appreciated like that, this is something he has never been through. Every one in doncaster must know already especially Louis, Harry's mind explored the darkest part of his imagination as he kept thinking of what might be Louis' reaction after knowing that he loves him, Harry is just relieved that he isn't in doncaster to find out.

So he decided to call Niall, Harry searched for the boy on his contact, after finding it he clicks on his name and it immediately started ringing.

"Harry!?! After your song got famous did you forget about us?" Niall said, jokingly  through the phone.

"Of course I haven't, I've just been busy with work, sorry"

"anyways, the song is amazing, everyone loves it, it's a bit sad but whatever its just like 'hello' from adele it's sad but everyone in the world still sings along" Niall said excitingly

"I'm glad you like it, but how have you been?"

"I've been good, i met this guy in a coffee shop, we've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks but it's not official yet"he said in a sweet tone

"Aww sounds like little Niall is in love"

"Shut up, anyways aren't you gonna ask about Dylan and.........you know, Louis?"


"Whatever, I'm still gonna tell you. Well Dylan it's kinda hard to know what's on his mind right now, after all that song is all about Louis, I just think he's still a bit confused, he just needs more time and Louis well let's just say he was speechless, like literally, I was with him when he first listen to the song, he was shocked I think he still is, and then he just ran out , didn't tell me anything just ran out"

"Oh gosh they hate me"

"Calm down harry there surprised that's all, you can't just drop a bomb on them and expect them to be all happy"

"Yeah your right, I guess time is the only medicine"

"did you get that cliche frase from tumblr or something hahaha"


"Oh shit, my boss is nagging me again about not working, I have to go I'll talk to you later, we still need to finish this conversation famous boy"

"Okay, go work before you get fired"

"Okay bye"

⚆ _ ⚆

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