33 ☞ unpleasant guest

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My iPad broke, so now all i have to write on is my crappy and old computer, so if there are extra spelling mistakes or anything of the sort please bare with me because I don't think I'll get my iPad fixed anytime soon

louis slept over at harry's house but left extra early because liam was going to pick him up at 7, as louis was about to leave a note like he always does, but this time harry woke up before he left so they said there proper good byes and harry made sure to calm louis because it was clear that he was way too nervous.

harry is mostly certain that louis will get the job so he's planning  on doing a surprise dinner to celebrate inviting his closes friends, only after louis actually confirms he got accepted. he gets ready for the day to go grocery shopping later on, so he can cook this meal louis saw on tv one day and asked if harry could make it for him, and of course him being the good boyfriend he is, he can't say no.

harry was doing some tidying and cleaning around, more than he had too before , lets just say louis is a little messy but harry would rather have a messy and handsome louis in his apartment than no louis at all.

it's about 1:00 pm harry hasn't had lunch yet and he isn't really sure when would louis be coming back, it must be a good sine because if he hadn't gotten the job he would of been back by now.

just as he's thinking about louis, he receives a text from him which harry immediately unlocks his phone to see what he said.

Louis ❤️: hi babe, guess what? i got the job!!!!!!!, sarah was  a little intimidating at first but after a while i saw that she's actually really nice and funny, she said i could start right away that's why i'm not home yet.

Louis ❤️: i mean your apartment, sorry, so yeah I'm super excited i can't believe i have a proper job now. I'll be there at 7 can't wait to see you xxx

just as harry read when louis wrote that his house was his home he smiled straight away, even though louis corrected himself harry was sure soon he will convince louis to officially move in with him.  

Harold 🐸: I'm so happy for you lou and i can't wait to see you too and give you all the kisses in the world because I'm cheesy like that.

they texted a little more but louis' lunch time had ended and he had to go back to work, harry decided to go out to eat lunch and then go to buy ingredients for today's dinner.

    ⚆ _ ⚆

it's 6:30 and everyone that's supposed to be at harry's apartment has arrived, except louis which will be arriving in half an hour, niall and his boyfriend named Adam were the first ones to arrive,Adam had a body of a bodybuilder, he had dark and glowy skin and a big bright smile, everything in him seemed big harry doesn't  know how niall can handle him, then remi came bringing a bottle of champagne, liam wasn't with her because he was the one that was going to drive louis to harry's place, a while later dylan and his boyfriend named chad arrived, chad had  purple dyed hair, he had makeup on just like the beauty gurus on instagram and big lips that definitely wasn't his.

adam was super nice, harry and him got along just fine but the minute dylan and chad walked through the door chad instantly looked harry up and down with a nasty look but harry chose to ignore it.

"harold i'm impressed, the food smells great" Dylan says, everyone is sitting on the couch and chairs that harry put out on the living room so everyone had a  place to sit, the food is almost ready and you can smell it from the living room,"i think so too it smells wonderful"remi agrees with dylan so did everyone else except chad, "thanks guys hopefully you all will like it"chad says a quiet "we'll see"that only dylan heard because he insisted in sitting on his lap when there was enough chair for everyone, dylan gave him a look about what he just said, chad only rolled his eyes to that.

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