18 ☞ having to lie

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"What do you mean, Louis? Why did you think it was him?"Dylan says with a confused look on his face.

Harry couldn't feel him self breathe, he was completely frozen, not having a clue of what to say to Dylan. He doesn't know what reaction Dylan will have if he simply says the truth, after all nothing much happened,right, just the fact that Harry had the best night of his life. Or he can lie? Even though it's been a year that Louis and Harry broke up, wouldn't it be awkward? Harry doesn't have time to think anymore after Dylan speaks again.

"Harry?"Dylan says making sure if Harry heard his question. "Uh come in, there's some left over if you want, by the way i was watching shameless you should really watch it with me just like America horror story it will be so much fun, here sit down we can start watching right now just warning you first that it's a very-,well let's just say there's a lot of sex in it but that's fine, we-"

"HARRY!"he shouted, cutting him off so Harry could stop talking, Dylan knew that every time Harry rambles something is definitely going on. "Why are you changing the subject? I only asked why you thought it was Louis at the door, is something wrong?"

Harry has never lied to Dylan before that's just something they don't do, but right now he has to, not because he thinks what happened was wrong but what will Dylan's reaction be? Will things be awkward between them again? When things were finally back to normal.

"No, everything is fine, yeah Louis came here just before you did and I thought he had left something and came back to get it, it's a different Louis though, it's Louis- uh Alexander. Yeah Louis Alexander one of my friends from LA"Harry said hoping it wasn't obvious that he was lying.

"Oh a friend of yours from LA is here in Don Caster?"he asked

"Uh yeah"Harry awkwardly said

"You're not lying right? Because there is no reason for you to lie"

"I'm not lying"Harry said and at that point Dylan definitely knew that Harry was lying, he knows him too much to not notice it, He isn't gonna say anything though he's just gonna go with it.

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Dylan and Harry hanged out for a while before Dylan had to leave, after that Harry took a shower before going to bed. Not having any luck on sleeping he decided to look through his phone and there it was, a text, not just any text, a text from Louis. Not even thinking twice he immediately responded.

Louis 💔: hi (A/N: oops)

Harold 🐸: hi

Louis 💔: I actually don't know what else to say i just felt like talking to you

Louis 💔: I'm not making any sense, I don't know what's wrong with me, it's late you're probably in bed already

Harold 🐸: it's fine lol I can't fall a sleep

Louis 💔: me too

Harold 🐸: at least I know you're not drunk because if you were you'd be sleeping like a baby lol

Louis 💔: are you making fun of me?

Harold 🐸: maybe

Louis 💔: not fair

that's how the night continued, them talking all night about random things and Harry might of changed the broken heart emoji next to Louis' name as a unbroken heart.

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