Chapter Five

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They took turns explaining the whole story to me. Long story short, they are all from a secret bloodline where 12 families are bestowed their own individual abilities per family. And the Hellion Brothers are the chosen children of their generation, and are now in the middle of figuring out their ability on their own. That's why they are all stuck in this small town in the middle of nowhere, away from their families and the luxurious life they have in the big city of Seoul.

They also told me something about the "twelfth one"--whom I suppose is the same guy that was rumored to be former member who disappeared after almost killing someone-- and that they had a big fight just a few months ago, but they reconciled right after. They didn't really explain what happened in that big fight, but everyone seemed down while talking about it so I didn't probe the matter. All I know is that he still decided to separate from them for good, and now, they have no clue as of what's happening to him now.

(A/N : to all the readers I'll be tirelessly reminded all of you to read the [EXO] Hellion Brothers by euwonlol for a better understanding of the story ^-^ , the links available on my story description)

And finally, I have come to know about their unique abilities, and how their pins--rather, emblems-- symbolize them.

Tao has the time-control ability, and he has the crimson emblem.

Kai has the teleporting ability, and he has the black emblem.

Lay has the healing ability, and the yellow emblem.

Chen has lightning and his emblem is purple.

Luhan has telekinesis and the silver emblem.

Xiumin has frost or ice, and his emblem color was sky blue.

Sehun has wind, and the white emblem.

Baekhyun has light, and the lime emblem.

D.O has earth and his emblem was brown.

Suho, having the water ability, has the deep blue emblem.

And lastly, Chanyeol can control fire just like I do. And he owns that orange emblem that I found in the playground.

Which also means, that I really am Chanyeol's anima because apparently, animas could have the same ability as their match. I don't have any problem believing that the ability-world is real. But the whole "anima" thing? I don't think I can grasp that fact right now.

"Don't worry, we're not pressuring you with anything." Maeji comforts me, since she probably saw that I wasn't comfortable on the idea of me being an anima.

"If you're not comfortable, you don't have to force yourself. We understand. Just let your heart lead the way."

I took a deep breath to clear my head even just a little bit. Then I let out a long sigh. "So, what should I do now?"

"Just do what you do. But remember that you have us now and we'll be your new family." Suho answers me with a reassuring smile. The others nod and smile as well, and to be honest, it made me feel like a huge gap has been filled in my life once again.

The part of my life with a family...

"I... I can't thank you enough for all of this. But..." I reached up to wipe away the small tears forming on my eyes, but then I saw the time on my wrist watch. Then like a brick was thrown at me, I froze when I realized that I should be at the grocery store by now for my part-time job. I'm already an hour late.

"...But I think I really have to go. I'm really late for work, but thank you so much for inviting me here." I bowed several times, all the while silently cursing at myself as I imagined how my supervisor, Mr. Han, would scold me.

"Haru-ya," Tao suddenly called out as I was about to exit. "Kai could take you there."

He nodded towards Kai, who then stepped forward and reached out his right hand.

"Come on, don't be shy." He chuckled as he saw my confused expression. He signaled me to take his hand, so I did, thinking that it was a handshake. But then he kept holding on to it.


"Eh... for what?"

And out of nowhere, I started to see a black mist starting to surround us, and their living room started to warp into a narrow street. Kai started to walk, and I just followed out of confusion. Then we stopped in front of a building. It was the grocery store.

Whoa, wait.

So we just teleported?

"What time does your shift end?" Kai asked.

I had to blink several times to snap out of my confusion. "Um... what? Why?"

"I'll tell Chanyeol hyung so he can come and escort you home." he said it as if it's just a natural thing to do.

"What? No, please don't that. It'll be really awkward if I have to be alone with him. We barely know each other..."

"Are you sure? If you give him a chance, I'm sure you'll get close to him in no time. He's a very easy going person."

Still, I shake my head as an answer.

"Please," I begged, clasping my hands at my chest.

"Okay, we'll just see you tomorrow at school then." He sighed. I nodded, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone in a puff of black mist.


Later that night, I couldn't sleep. Everything that happened today kept flashing back into my head, especially that part about the anima thing. If it is really true that animas are basically soul-mates, that means someday, somehow, I will be in a relationship with Park Chanyeol, right?

But... It's just so hard to imagine myself in a relationship with him. It's not that I hate Chanyeol. In fact, I think he is just so charming and cute and perfect, and no sane girl would say no to be his girlfriend. Honestly, even though I'm not a die hard fan girl like the others, my ears kinda perk up on their own when I hear other girls talking about him. But I'm a girl who avoids the spotlight, and being in a relationship with Chanyeol means I'll have to share his spotlight.

The thought of other people watching my every move and constantly judging what I do is so frustrating. I've heard of how other students talk about Gwen-unnie and Maeji-unnie, and the things they say are very far from nice. You won't even believe just how much bad rumors they can start in just a few seconds.

If I go to Chanyeol and refuse this anima thing, will I be consider rude? Would that even work that way? I mean, I'm just 16 years old for heaven sake. Does this mean I don't have a choice but to spend the rest of my life with him, since we already know we're each other's animas?

My phone suddenly beeped, disturbing my train of thoughts. I checked, and it was a message from an unknown number.

"Haru-ya, you're home already right? This is Maeji btw :D"

"Ne, unnie." My brows furrowed when I remembered I never gave them my number. "How did you get my number, unnie?"

"Magic?" she replied, making me chuckle.

"Just kidding. Mr. President Xiumin has all the students' files. I hope I'm not invading your personal life or something..."

"Well I'm the one who dragged you into my life so it's absolutely okay."

"Yay! Oh btw I just wanted to invite you to have lunch with us tomorrow. Maybe we can also pick up where we left off today. Is it okay for you?"

I bit my lip as I thought if I should accept or not. Well, they're just trying to be friendly. It will be rude to refuse.

"Alright unnie. Thanks for the invitation."

"Great, see you then!" I was about to put down my phone when another text came in. "And please stop being so formal, you make me cringe, good night! ^_^"

I smiled and sighed as I stared up the ceiling. Who could have thought my boring life would suddenly become this interesting?


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