Chapter Twenty Eight

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Third Person PoV

Everything happened so fast that Haru didn’t even have a chance to react. Her heart felt like it dropped to the ground along with Chanyeol’s body. It felt like time just stopped. She dropped her knees to the floor next to Chanyeol’s head.

“Oppa, wake up…don’t scare me like this.” She said, her voice trembling.

“Oppa!!” She yelled, now in even more panic state. Tears started to fill her eyes as she continued to tap his cheek, shake him, doing anything just to wake him up.

“No, it can’t be happening…what should I do? Think Haru! Use your head!” She started to yell at herself.

She reached inside her coat pocket and took her phone. Her eyes that were filled with tears and her shaking hands made it harder for her to find the contact she was looking for. When she found it, she pressed it quickly and placed the phone on her ear.

“Yah, why did you call me in the middle of your date? Is hyung making you bored or something?” Kai jokingly said on the other line.

“S-sunbae, Chanyeol oppa….help….” She tried to say in between her sobs. She couldn’t even finish her sentence. But Kai was quick to react.

“Where are you now?” Kai’s voice immediately turned serious.

“Th-the Playground...” and in a split second, Kai’s figure appeared just a few feet away, still with the phone on his ear. Kai ran towards them and crouched next to Chanyeol, putting his ear right against his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

“I’ll take him to Lay hyung. Wait here for a while.” He told Haru, put his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder, and they both disappeared.

Haru reached for the stuffed doll beside her and hugged it tightly, as if it was all she had to keep herself from crumbling to pieces. Her sobs turned louder as she realized that the fear that kept on haunting her is now becoming a reality. That’s right. She couldn’t pretend that they’re living in a beautiful dream because they’re still living in a nightmare.

Kai reappear in front of her, and briefly gave her a sympathizing look as he saw her crying. Though, he didn’t say anything and just grabbed her hand, teleporting them back to the Hellion’s dorm.

They boys were all gathered in the living room, while Lay was crouched in front of Chanyeol who’s laying on the couch, still unconscious. Kai was still holding Haru’s shoulder as if afraid she might break down because of her misery.

“His ability has almost drained. I... I don’t think he’ll have more than 24 hours to hold on.” Lay said tensely, looking at Tao.

“Xiumin hyung, what about the test that you said last night? Can we do it now?” Tao turned to Xiumin.

“We still haven’t done the test yet, I’m not sure.” Xiumin answered.

“Hyung, we don’t have time to look for another way. I think it’s our only option now. Can you tell me the detail of the process?” Tao urged, trying his best to remain calm despite of the situation.

“But Tao, this will be dangerous for Haru. You can’t just decide it for yourself like that.” D.O countered him.
“Well do you have any better ideas then?!” Tao yelled at D.O out of frustration. The boys flinched at Tao’s sudden outburst. D.O turn his gaze to Haru that still hasn’t recovered from the shock.

“Haru-ya.” D.O tried to make his voice as calm as possible. Haru, though still shaking and pale, managed to look at him.

“Can you unleash your ability now despite of the consequences? We promise you all of us will be here to support you. Can you trust us?” Haru could clearly see the determination in his eyes. She looked around and saw that everyone was looking at her intently, equally shaken but told her through their eyes that she could trust them. Haru looked back at D.O and nodded her head.

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