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I shook my head from the things I just saw. The center was filled with whispers while the Two girls was sitting on each end of the turnbuckle, embarrassment written clearly on their faces.

"I'll go talk to them, give me a few minutes, Alex" I said and she nodded.

"I'll go with you then" she said as we both exited the ring.

We walked towards the ring where Amanda and Gionna are and slammed our hands to the apron when we got there, earning their attention.

I signal them to come closer and they did. Me and Alexa still outside the ring, they reach us and keep their distance to each other.

"Okay, I'm not going to ask what happened. Be a woman and fix this mess up. Say sorry to each other" Alexa said and they looked at each other before rolling their eyes of off each other

"Keep rolling those eyes, you might find a brain back there" I sassed up to the both of them.

Alexa nudged my side and I looked at her. She rose an eyebrow and I shook my head. We both glared at them as Gionna put her hand out

Amanda shook it and they let go "See? Simple as that. Go home, take a rest. We'll handle Brice" I said and they nodded. They pack their things up and we head to the bathroom

We open the door and saw her laying down on the floor. We stood in shock then Alexa run to her.

I stood there still shocked, Alexa knelt down to her and checked her pulse on the wrist and neck. She looked back at me with relief but still with shock and confusion

"Her pulse is still stable, call some help for me Cee, Hunter needs to know about this" she said, gaining her composure.

I watched as she stood up and opened the faucet. She let the water run down her hands and then knelt down again. She washed off her hands to Brice's face and I snapped back to reality

I run over to the nearest ring with people in it, which happened to be Sami and Finn's ring. "Hey Carmella, what's-"

"I need your help. We found Brice unconscious on the bathroom. I need your help guys" I said while clutching over the bottom rope tightly, my eyes pleading with help.

They nodded and they both exited the ring quickly, especially Finn

They run to the girls bathroom and we found Alexa splashing some water on her arms and just around the body. "Take care of her head. Gently, nice and easy guys" Alexa said as Sami went to her feet and legs then Finn on her arms and legs. Alexa on her right and me assisting her left.

We put her down on the ring they we're using earlier and Styles' with Nakamura came up to us while the others went back to their business and didn't mind us "What happened to her?" Sami asked us

"We found her unconscious on the bathroom. Hey, can you call Hunter for me?" I asked to Alexa and she nodded. She looked at Sami then pulled him with her.

They walked over to his office while I took out my handkerchief off my pocket then folded it in square then fan her with it

"Why?" Finn asked while sitting beside her. He stroke her hair and took the hanky from me and fan her himself

"Can you elevate her head. Put her head on your thigh" I told him, not minding his question, then he handed Nakamura the hanky and lifted her head and put it on his thigh. Finn lend his hand back to Nakamura and he handed it back to him.

Reversing The Roles |WWE|Where stories live. Discover now