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Paul Levesque (Hunter)

"Hello?" I asked through the phone, not even letting out a sound of pain

"HUNTER!" I have to pull the phone away from my ears and notice it was Stephanie's voice "WHO ARE YOU?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS BRICE?! YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Stephanie yelled as I sat down on the chair

"Do what?" I asked, trying to cover it up even though I know there's no escape

"You called Allen just to keep Brice in this company?! Hunter, what were you thinking?! Were you even thinking?!" Stephanie continued. I now know I won't be sleeping on the couch, I'll just be lucky if I sleep somewhere in the house when we got home

I put my elbows up to the table and massage the temples of my head "Look, I'm sorry okay?"

"You said sorry to me but not to YOUR own COUSIN?!" She asked, I heard an elevator ding and my eyes shot back open "You're the only family she has!"

"Where are you?" I asked, half just wants to know because I'm concerned while the other half just wants to change the topic

"Don't even try to change the topic, Hunter! Take care of the kids, I won't be home tonight" she said which made me stood up immediately, completely forgetting about my kicked nuts


"I'm going to comfort YOUR cousin after her OTHER cousin betrayed her. If you see my husband, Paul, tell him I miss him. Bye, Hunter" then she ended the call. Oh shit, oh shit!

I dialed Shawn and sprinted to my car, he picked up after and I turn the phone into speaker mode "Hey! Waddup Big nose?!" 

"Not time for jokes Shawn, Stephanie has possiblities of breaking up with me!" I yelled then started the car, driving to where our booked hotel room is


"Remember Brice?"

"Oh, your cousin that you betrayed? Yeah, Stephanie knew about it didn't she?" Shawn asked, calming down than how he acted earlier

"Yeah, yeah. I don't know what to do-"

"Girls aren't just flowers, chocolates and sweet words when they're this mad and wants to break up. Win her back like how you got her on the first time" he said and I scrunched my nose up, did he forgot?

"Shawn, the first time we got together was because of her dad who wants me to date her. If Vince discovered what I did, he would date me to the devil" I said and he 'hmmed' I swear, he really is old

"Oh right...." he said then trailed off "Well, good luck buddy. Say hi to the kids for me" he said and ended the call

"Shawn! Shawn! Damn it!" I yelled then threw the phone on the side. I reach to the hotel and went to the receptionist

"Sir?" she asked, removing her eyes from the computer screen

"Paul Levesque-"

"Oh sorry, the room is already used. It was just reserved for one use" she answered, not even letting me finish my sentence "Would you like to book another room?"

"Wait, who was with my wife?!" I asked, furiously demanding for an answer right away "Was she with a man?!"

"No sir, it was a girl" she answered and I buried my face to my arms that was on the counter "Sir...."

"Look, I just want to have a moment okay?" I said, bringing my face up to her and she nodded "Arghhh! Damn it!" I yelled then slammed the counter with my hands and left

I went inside my car then repeatedly slammed the steering wheel, until something falls off the sun shield. I calmed down and pick it up

It was a family picture. My family picture. Brice right beside me with her hands around my waist and mine on top of her shoulder

Behind us was our family, hers and mine. Her dad and mom behind her with their hands wrapped around each other then my family doing the same

My treatment towards her change when she started living with us, I was filled with jealousy when my mom focused alot to her rather than me

"Hunter! I want to join wrestling as well" she said as I pack my stuff. I just got a call from WWF and they want me there all of a sudden

I turn to her and sighed "You're to young, and besides, we all know you don't have passion towards this. You just want to copy me" I said then zip my luggage up and put it down on the floor

"No! I started watching it before you even knew it!" she yelled but I continued walking out my room "Hunter! Don't leave me!"

"I'll see you, Brice"

I step out the car then held the flowers in my hands tightly, I didn't knew where I was heading until I remember that the graveyard are just a few hours of drive

I walked inside the graveyard and looked for the graves of Brice's parents, my aunt and uncle

I finally saw their name and went there, setting the candle on and put the flowers beside them

I said a little prayer then looked at them "I'm sorry for not taking care of Brice, I just don't want her to leave. It hurts me as well to know that she would choose a guy over me, but I don't blame her on that one. She had every right to do it, I wasn't there when she needed me the most. I'm just so sorry" I said then let the tears fall down, until I felt rain gonna pour down when some water fell on my head

"I'll see you guys soon then" I said then left, blowing the candle off and jog to my car. Closing the door then speed off, they just got here. There were flowers, now I don't know where they are

I'm going to fix this one up, no matter what it takes. I'm going to get this family back together


TWO UPDATES IN ONE GO! WOO! So I decided to do this thing because, why not?

Now you know what Allen and Hunter felt after

Send in your questions guys!

Sorry for any typos, doing it on my phone since the charger of the laptop broke

I would try and upload Two chapters tomorrow then.........................EPILOGUE!

*Hides inside AJ Flair's robe to avoid getting mauled by DanaHart25*

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