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"O hayo gazaimasu" I greeted then bowed in front of Shinsuke

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"O hayo gazaimasu" I greeted then bowed in front of Shinsuke. He chuckled then bowed, he straighten up and patted my shoulder, signaling to stand up as well. We shook hands as I hold it to the other and bowed my head

"I see you learned some etiquette" he said with those Japanese accent blaring out, I smiled as we let go to each other.

He put his arm around me as I clutched the strap of the duffel bag closely to me "Are you nervous?" he asked with a chuckle as he looked down at me

"Just a little bit, this is my first time training with someone else besides of the girls, Finn and Sami" I answered then he rub my shoulder.

He opened the door of the performance center and I turn to him and bowed my head slightly.

"Arigato" I exclaimed then went in, I waited for him as he let the door close behind him "So, how long are you in this business?" I asked to lighten the mood a bit and to just know somethings about him

"I've been wrestling since 2002, so around 16 years" he answered and I nodded.

I was pretty impressed with the guys who has this long experience on wrestling yet they don't rust up yet, they don't act like the newbie. This guy is one of the wrestlers who rules any ring he steps in.

"How about you? Tell me a bit about yourself" he said as I went to the bench and put my bag down. I sat down beside the bag and he sat on the other side of the bag

"Well, I've been a pretty big name back on ROH. I've been in the business for like 16 as well. I'm currently 28" I answered as I bend down to let my hair down as well then tied it for a bun

"You look like 26" he said, a bit shocked then I laughed as I pull the sleeves up my sweats a little bit "You're really 28?!"

"Turning 29 at Extreme Rules" I added, a bit confident then he shook his head with his mouth ajar a bit "How about you?"

"36, I know I look older than that" he said with a chuckle, I laughed then shook my head

"You actually look pretty young for your age" I said as we go and walk inside the ring just in front of us. He sat down on the second rope and put the Third one on his shoulder. I shot him a smile as we start to warm up


"So, I see on the taping you're pretty good with your kicks, your feet. So what if you go to the other end of the ring first-" he said then pointed on the other end.

I walked to the spot as he stood across me "-then do like a flying knee instead then a face buster" I nodded as he signal for me to start

I run to him, who is currently leaning on the ropes. I drive my knee to his chin, while pushing his head to my knee deeper and twist him around then did a face buster.

I knelt done and look at Shinsuke "Daijōbudesuka?" I asked then he nodded, the Two of us breathing heavily.

"Hai" he answered then I stood up. I lend my hand out to him and he took it, I pulled him up then lean back to the ropes, man did he weigh a lot.

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