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"Allen! Allen, stop!" I yelled, running to him. Chasing him, just like earlier

The people were looking at us. Wrestlers, crew, staff even some board members, all of them. They were all looking at us

He turns around then grab both of my arms and slammed me to the wall "How long were you going to keep this away from me?!" he yelled angrily


"No! Brice, I've told you everything that's happening between Wendy and I. Why can't you say just this?!" he asked again.

His yell, I don't like it. For the first time ever, I was afraid of Allen.

"I haven't any plans earlier. But after they've been using me for a filler, for being the division's rag doll, I've had enough" I said and he just stared at me.

He has a mixture of hate, anger, sadness and sympathy written all over his face.

"Why didn't you tell me you're moving?" he asked me and reached for my hands. His voice way more calmer than earlier.

But after he lashed out earlier, I was now afraid of him "That's not going to change anything about the both of us. I can handle long distance relationship, I'm fine with it."

"I don't want you to be left alone, but I was going to tell you" I reasoned out

"Wherever you would go, we would still be together. I love you too much to let you go, I'm sorry for lashing out on you. I just- I feel betrayed" he said then pulled me into a hug that caught me off guard

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and buried my face to his chest "Forever?" I asked him, not looking at his face.

I can't take it, I don't want to look at him this broken and betrayed. What hurts is that, it's all because of me

"Always-" he said and pulled me back then kiss the top of my head "-and forever"


The next morning, everything was alright

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The next morning, everything was alright. We have to part ways for a while, he has to be on a house show and because of my ribs last night, I would go to Ohio where they need someone to look at a few NXT scripts and then the others would tape for Smackdown

Thinking about it, that day where I was mentoring Mandy Rose and Liv Morgan made me so stressed and I passed out. That day where I was really pissed off and saw concern on Allen's face

But the same time, I thought of something else: What was all the stuff Rami, Carmella and Alexa was yelling about? Because, the day after that Sami and Hunter was never the same and doesn't see each other eye to eye anymore. I never knew the exact reason, and this moment I want to know it now. I just want the truth for once

When I started my car, I drive towards the Performance Center. It was a good 3 hours drive with all of my luggage on the backseat.

When I pulled over the parking, I saw a huge amount of cars, what's happening?

I parked the car and went inside, the doors closing itself from behind. The first thing I saw was people, obviously. And there was a lot, from staff, crew and NXT wrestlers -they are all here

I walked further until I reach where the rings are placed, and there I saw the Three people I was talking about earlier.

Alexa and Carmella with tears in their eyes as the NXT stars talked with them, giving them a hug. Rami? He was just there beside them, he doesn't know what to feel about this

I thought it was just someone's birthday until I saw Blake and Murphy hugging Alexa on the corner while Enzo and Cass hug Carmella.

"Brice?" Rami's voice blared, he went down the ring as Alexa and Carmella broke the hug and followed

"What's happening?" I asked, looking at them with confusion on my face "What's all this? Why are you crying? What am I missing out?" I asked, not stopping my question

"We're leaving WWE" Carmella said, tears on her eyes as she said it "WWE fired us, Hunter did. He said our contributions were done and wasn't needed anymore" she continued and I pulled her into a hug

"I'm so sorry for not telling you this earlier, we don't want to stress you out more" Alexa said and I pulled her inside the hug as well

Alexa and Carmella may not be with me on my journey from the indies. But they were those people who you just can't get enough with

"You Two means so much to me! Don't leave me hanging!" I yelled, tears threatening to fall

For the past days I always cry, alot. I always cried, I just need to stop crying. I'm getting enough pain

"Don't leave me alone!" I sobbed, sinking into their shoulders as I hug them tighter

"Hey, don't worry!" Alexa said, pulling back from the hug "We would try to get a spot on the indys. We'd wait for you there" Alexa said then kissed the top of my head

I nodded then pull them into another hug "Call me, everyday! I already have an ensured contract at ROH, I want to see you guys there!" I said and they both nodded, chuckling at the end

"We would, but we need to go now" Alexa said, pulling back and now they held my arms to prevent them for getting another massive hug

"We'll see you soon, Brice" Carmella said then I nodded. I couldn't do anything but see them go

Rami pulled me to his side as their former tag partners walks them out the place, giving me one last look before exiting the doors

Bayley went up to me and I immediately hugged her. She keeps saying comforting words which I just nodded along with.

"They would be fine. A brighter future is ahead of them" Bayley said as I buried my face to her shoulders

After a few seconds, I pulled back and thank her. She just smiled at me then Rami pulled my arm, he leans down and whispered "We need to talk"


So that's a wrap! I forgot to tell you guys something on the previous chapter which is something I do everytime a story would end

But send in some questions! I would normally do a Q&A before the last chapter but I think it would be pretty different on this one and I would do a Q&A AFTER the last chapter

Could either be about the book or other stuff. Comment it here or message me if you have one. Every question would be anonnymously answered so you're good

Anyways, this is a long ass A/N

Next chapter would be pretty different and might piss you off


I'll leave before I die, bye! ~Reaps

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