Chapter 8

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I finally updated!


Chapter 8

Kailey's POV

When I got to wal-mart I seen one of my ex's who is still "in-love" with me, oh boy! this is not gonna go too well. Don't notice me...don't notice me..."Hey Kailey!" I heard his voice, shit!, "uh hi" I replied wiping the hair off my face making sure he seen my engagement ring he looked a little disappointed but then covered it up fast. "I havent seen you in a while. what are you doing here?" James asked "uh I live in this town, I should be asking why are YOU here?" I replied with a hint of attitude "if you must know. I'm here to get you back, I miss you Kailey. every damn day and what I did was awful. I'm really sorry. but I see I'm a little late" he said pointing at my hand "just a little" and with that I tried walking off but he caught up to me, "wait just wait" he stopped me "I'm really sorry what I did to you I was a dick and I'd do anything to make it up to. I know there can't be an 'us', but can you atleast forgive me and we can just try be friends?" James said with a pleading look, "that's sweet but no, you can't & won't be forgiven for what you did, now if you'll excuse me I have some things I need to get" I said with more attitude walking off. James...James Smith, my ex from 1 year ago today, coincidence? I think not, but whatever I need to stop thinking about it. I have a wonderful fiancé who loves me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Jeydon Wale.

Jeydon's POV

I wonder how Kaileys doing, I miss her, only 3 more days. Yea I love my grandma and all but I feel lost without her by my side. Maybe we'll Skype later. "Jeydon!" I heard my grandma Carol call for me, "what gram?" I asked running downstairs cuz I bet she'll ask me to go get her something, "Jey, can you go out to the garage and get me great-gran's old pot so I can start cooking the stew, please?" bingo, I knew it! "sure gran" I said making my way to the garage "thanks hun!" she kinda yelled at me.


"Babe!" I heard Kailey's beautiful voice say as she answered my Skype call, man she looked good even in her sweats with her hair up & no make-up on, I love her. "Oh gosh, your so beautiful. I miss you lots babe wish you were here. how's it going?" I said to her "awe thanks" she blushed a little "I miss you more tho" she said kinda teasingly "no way" I said winking at her, she giggled "yes way. anyways 'how's it goin?' good Kyles awake, finally, and in a couple days he should be better. him and Jade already have a date's it goin at your grandma's? nice down there?" she asked, "oh gran's doin fine, and it's pretty war- wait. did you say Kyle's fine?" I asked with a little joy, he may be annoying, alot, but he's still my brother, my twin at that, and it's good to know he's okay because we're like each others bestfriend and worst enemy. "Oh yeah he's doing great. getting released the day after tomorrow from the hospital" Kailey told me, "that's great, hey gran! Kyle's okay. he gets out of the hospital in a couple days" I yelled to my grandmother in her room, then she came in the door "Kyles okay? that's great my other gran-baby's okay, he woke up?" she said, "yes" I heard Kailey's voice, "well who's that Jeydon ?" gran asked coming closer to the computer "oh that's my fiancé. you remember her right? Kailey" I told gran "oh yes. Hello Kailey how are you, my you've grown. it's good to see you, we need to get you down here sometime" gran said, obviously speaking to Kailey, "hi Carol! your lookin pretty good still. great to see you to. and I will totally have to come down soon" Kailey always loved my gran ever since she was little they had a good bond. "Kailey get off the computer it's time for you to get your ass to bed" I heard her mom yell, must be staying with her parents while I'm gone "okay mom" she yelled back, then turned towards me "well I gotta go babe love you. goodnight" she said blowing a kiss, "love you to babe, night" I said pretending to catch it "goodnight dear" I heard my gran say "goodnight to you to Carol" she gave one last wave and with that my screen went black. "Well I'm glad you got yourself a good girl your parents won't mid you spending forever with" gran said then left my room.

***Next Morning***

My grandma woke me up early at like 8am, she said something about going to the flea market before everything is picked over, I guess that's what everybody does on Saturdays. Right now were in the car and I hear a song Kyle & I wrote together -Bright Eyed Beautiful Girl V2- on the radio, and of course cuz my grandmas probably got it on replay 24/7 since we're her only grandchildren, started singing along -a little embarrassing- but I just went with it so all the way to the flea market we were singing away to BEBGV2.

"OMG IT'S JEYDON WALE!!!" I heard a voice scream as soon as I got out of the car, then I seen 2 girls run over to me "y-y-y-you're Jeydon friggen Wale!!! oh my god I'm such a big fan I love you so much" said the blonde girl while her friend just stood there starring at me in such awe. "Yes I am. last time I checked" I said and the girls giggled "I'm , and this is Siobhan" the blonde girl said then pointed towards her friend, then she handed me her phone and I took a few pictures with them. After we took a couple pics and I signed their shirts -which just happened to be one of my shirts- Siobhan asked "where's Kyle? is he okay now?", "what you new Kyle was in the hospital? and yes he gets out in a few days" I replied "of course we knew. and that's great!" she said, then I hugged both of them and I'm pretty sure they almost fainted before walking away & saying bye. I love my Waliens.

Kyle's POV

Suppertime at the hospital, ugh, their foods gross. Jades supposed to bring me subway! -Jeydon & I's obsession- but I told her not to worry it since she wanted to go clubbing with Jade. I guess I'm having mush with a side of slop to eat, yuck, but I shouldn't be to mad I did tell Jade she could go. She's been so clingy it's a little annoying, I'm glad she was so worried about me but still she could give me a little space. "How ya holding up hun" I heard the Nurse say as she came to bring me supper & check everything "I'm doing fine. a little tired" I told her "well that's normal, here" she put the tray down in front of me, ugh "thanks" I tried sounding not disgusted "no problem hun" then she left. *ring ring*ring ring* the sound of Skype made me jump and remember I had my laptop, it was Jeydon. "Hey b*tch. how ya holding up" I heard him "fine, and nice to see ya to" I told him "yeah. grams been a little worried. oh and today I met a couple Waliens at the flea market, don't ask, and they were wondering about you" aw our fans are awesome "oh well tell gram I'm o-" then I was cut off by he coming into Jeydon's room "who are you talking to Jey?" gram's voice said "hey grandma" I said then he eyes lit up a little "Kyle! your alright. that's so great. so how ya doin ky?" it's good to see her, even through a computer screen I haven't been down there for atleast a year. "I'm getting better, almost ready to be released from the hospital just waiting for a couple tests before that" I said with a lil smile "well maybe we'll have to extend Jey's visit a little and get you down here to" I could hear gram getting her hopes up "I would love to come down but I don't think flying is such a good idea and I got plans" trying not to sound to mean but it's true "yea and I wouldn't mind being here longer either but I gotta get back to Kailey" Jeydon said trying to do the same thing "oh well maybe you can both come down for Christmas and bring Kailey & Jade" gran said, wait did she say Jade? how'd she know? "that'd be great" Jeydon cut in before I could say anything *BZZZ* "oh that's the laundry. good to see you Ky but I gotta go, bye love you" "good to see you to bye gran" then she went outta the room. "You told her about me & Jade?" I asked Jeydon "well I didn't think it was supposed to be a big secret, besides she already knows her" he had a point "okay alright. but I gotta go the nurse will be here soon and I doubt she'll want me skyping instead of eating. see ya" then I hung up and just barely heard a "see ya" from Jey, it was good seeing them.


So Jade should defiantly be out by now *ring* this time it was my phone, I checked the caller ID, Jade. I picked up "hello? jade?" I said "KYLE OMG IT'S KAILEY SH-" *zzzzz* "your call has been discon-" FUCK!


I'm gonna TRY updating every Wednesday or every 2nd Wed (except this Wed cuz I updated today) since my summer isn't gonna be busy anymore really.

Last night I was at a Justin Bieber concert! -the most amazing thing that could ever happen- and apparently I damaged my vocal cords from screaming to loud & to much -opps- :/ so that sucks but it shuld "heal" or get better "soon" but I learned from Justin that soon means a couple hundred years so...





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