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Speckle POV*

My alarm clock went off while I was just getting to the best part of my dream when I save the world and everyone cheers. I was happy to get up though because I was going to read the mystery letter and see Connor. As soon as that thought crossed my mind I was up and making sure I looked okay for our meeting.

After I was sure I looked good enough to see my mate I grabbed the letter. It looked really old like my great-grandmother could have wrote it. It looked just plain and simple no magic wonder feel about it. I wonder who could have wrote this.

As I'm absorbed in my thoughts a small rock hits my window. I look outside to see if its Connor. It is and he is ten minutes early thank goodness I gave myself plenty of time to get ready. I don't wear any make-up but it still takes forever to get ready.

My room is on the bottom floor so I just open my window and hop out. We go to the woods right beside my house. I mean I'm not going to sneak off far away I'd rather just meet here. Since we are both cats we have perfect night vision one of the many advantages of being a cat.

"Hi there Angel how did you sleep?" Connor asked.

"Quite well. Did you have a nice night?" I asked

"Of course I did I got to see you so that's makes this night one of the best ever." He said

"Well we better start reading the letter because the curiosity is killing me!" I say

"Go right on ahead let's see what this mystical prophecy is about." Is his answer


Dear next cheetah,

I don't know how long it has been since I was around but that doesn't change what I'm about to say. A great evil will rise only the cheetah can defeat him. The challenges will be fierce with many twists. A unicorn will be born also cheetah and panther will become one to face this great evil. As the last breath falls only glory will be won for all.

I can only speculate as to what all of this means but remember the unicorn is one of the keys just as much as you and the panther. I write this to try and give you warning before so that you can prepare. Please take my warning seriously or things could not end so happy.

I have left this note on the doorstep of the council. This should be the first time anyone as ever read it. My hope is that the next cheetah and her mate are the only ones who ever read this note. Before I close this letter I'm getting one last vision. To find your true power look where no one else has and there is your key to defeating the darkness.

I hope this letter has helped you. I tried to write everything that I could remember for you. I bet that your just shifted I can see your joy. Have fun but still get stronger to fight what is not yet there. Just in case you don't believe me you have brown hair and blue eyes and make straight A's in school good job by the way.

So that is all that needs to be said. Thank you for reading I know I can be a little vague but that's all I can say and will say. Have a great life I know there will be a lot of happiness for you.

Sincerely the last cheetah,



Connor POV*

After reading that letter I now know what the prophecy actually says. Most of it is completely unknown but it will make sense when it comes to it. I look over to see what Speckle thinks and I see a dreamy look in her eye. I wonder what she is thinking about.

"I think that we should know who the unicorn is in a few days." Is the first she says after the silence.

"Why do you think we will find out so early?" I ask

"I think so because we know that we are the cheetah and panther so the unicorn is next so that means the next thing will be the unicorn." She says

"That makes a lot of sense. We better get back to sleep it will be along day tomorrow." I say

"Okay then but in two days we meet back here to talk more. How about in the daylight this time." She says

"That sounds great. I will see you then. Have sweet dreams my angel." I say before I shift and run into the woods.

As soon as I'm a few feet away I wish I had kissed here but at least I have two days to get ready for my first kiss. After that I start thinking about this whole prophecy thing. I hope it all turns out okay for us. I can't believe that a unicorn will be born one hasn't been alive for five hundred years. This is one crazy prophecy.

As I get back I go to my tent and sit on my bunk. After a while I fall asleep listening to the sounds of the wood. To think a darkness will be coming soon for our little pack. That is a very scary thought.


Already one hundred forty reads that is so awesome. Thanks to all of you who think this story is awesome! Please vote and comment it means so much to me. Your all so much crazy cool!

~ Little Dog

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