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Speckle POV*

It has been a few days since the letter reading. I have been worried for this great evil thing coming but I've been trying to not think to hard on it. School has been going on as usual and is always a nice distraction. I haven't told anyone about the letter or impending doom because I don't want to worry them before the most important part happens.

I have continually been looking for the unicorn but still no luck which I'm not that worried about because if that does not happen then doom is far away also. My meeting with Connor is happening soon at the library one of my favorite places it will be almost like my first date. I just hope he is doing okay wherever he is.

I start getting ready two hours before we planned on meeting. The way we have been communicating is through our mind link which I've done so it's like a cell phone that I can answer when I want too. I know that's a lot of time to get ready but I want to make my very first date the best I come possible make it.

After a very long time of hair dressing I finally got it so that it looked at least a little bit decent. I started to leave so that I'd make it there in plenty of time. I said to my mom that I was going to the library and I would be back in two hours.

I hurried toward the library but didn't want to full out cheetah run because sweating for a date is just gross and my hair would totally get wind blown. When I got there which felt like forever since it normally takes literally two seconds I took in the familiar smell of all the books which always comforts me.

Connor was standing looking at one of the racks of books so I thought I would surprise him. I stealthily walked through the stacks with extreme cheetah hunting ability and finally popped out but he wasn't there. I turned around to look for him and there he was right behind me. I have to admit I screamed a little and got rudely shushed.

"You should know not to sneak up on another cat it doesn't work." He says which makes me giggle a little.

"Well you could have at least played along." Is my response.

"So how has your last few days been?" He say.

"Okay but I have been looking forward to this. Let's go sit down in the back so we can talk this more through." I say.

"Alright I will follow you almost anywhere my Angel." He sweetly say.

I took him to the way back where they have the comfy for talking. I have spent a lot of time sitting in these chairs it brings back memories and now I can have some with Connor. I sit in a nice blue chair while he picks a cool green chair.

"Have you found the unicorn yet?" He asked.

"No I haven't. I think maybe it might be a good thing since if this doesn't happen maybe the evil won't either." I say.

"No the evil will still come it just means that we won't have a weapon to fight it with." He says.

"Oh I guess that makes sense." I say.

"It's okay I haven't found the unicorn either." He says.

Now that he says it I start to worry what if we never find her (I think that the unicorn is a girl it's just a feeling) and the evil comes to destroy everything. I better start seeing more babies or the pack could be doomed. This is so ruining the whole first date feel.

"It's okay we still have time just keep looking." Is all he says.

"I will. Please be safe where ever you go and don't get yourself hurt." Is all I can think of to say.

"Mind link when you find the unicorn and be safe too. I already miss you my sweet Angel." He says then looks like he might kiss me but decides differently and gives me a hug.

I watch him go but can't help thinking that I should have just kissed him not just standing there. So many missed moments but in the end I know it will happen when it needs too. Now unto the tricky business of finding that unicorn.

Connor POV*

I again missed the chance to kiss her I was just to afraid to try. The other guys would think I'm a loser but I think it will just happen when the time is right. I have to now return and try to find the kid that is the unicorn which is proving very difficult.

The thing that keeps me going is the little words we have through mind link and the image of her I have in my head. Today she looked absolutely beautiful but I like it when she doesn't even try and ends up being perfect. Back to the woods for me I just hope I will get to see her again real soon.

Speckle POV*

I get home and there is little Evelyn looking just as adorable as ever with her cute red curls all over the place. I stop to play with her and she just looks up with a giggle. She is possibly the sweetest natured baby ever.

I bend down to pick up her favorite toy to play pika boo with. I stop once I see her little tattoo on her ankle which is starting to distinguish itself. I do a little happy dance because this means I will finally know what my tiny baby sister will turn into.

It takes awhile but it is slowly coming together and Evelyn is now looking at it as if she knows how important it is. Finally after like an a minute that felt like an hour it is almost there. I look closer and there on Evelyn's ankle the a perfect unicorn. My head starts to buzz and I couldn't be more excited or nervous.

As I watch Evelyn's hair turns a stunning white and a little horn pops out. Her green eyes work perfectly with it and somehow she might be cuter. She looks at herself and starts to smile a big happy smile with clapping hands. As soon as this happens though her hair turns back and it's the same Evelyn once more with her cute red hair.

I rush to tell my parents the good news and their absolutely ecstatic. I'm still nervous but I decide to wait to tell and start worrying. It is time to celebrate our little unicorn with red hair. We get a cake before we know it and start an party like a birthday for little Evelyn. She will be the best shifter I can already see it.


Already six hundred reads you guys are so amazing. Sorry about not updating for like ever I just got busy with school so hopefully I won't do that again. You know who the unicorn is I hope you like it thanks again for all the comments.

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