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Speckle POV*

After the party is over I'm exhausted from trying to keep secret the fact that now two sisters are in a life altering prophecy. As soon as I'm alone I message Connor saying its urgent. I get ready for bed and think of when I got my tattoo. I was two just playing in the park when it started forming. I then started running super fast with my ears and tail out.

My mom was so surprised she thought it was faked. She took me right to the council and they said it was real. After that expectations were the normal to live up to the last cheetah which I think I've been doing pretty good at. Now my sister will have even more responsibilities being one of a kind.

Finally Connor answered which pulled me out of my thoughts. I told him the whole situation to which he didn't seem surprised. We then set up a meet so he could see Evelyn and access her powers.

Connor POV*

Speckle took me to see her little sister but I already knew she was the unicorn because of some intense research into all her families DNA for the prophecy. It did make the job of saving the pack some what harder with the key being only a baby. I was very worried about keeping them both safe which means for the past few days since research I haven't slept.

The guys around me are all doing their own thing to practice. I should be but I'm to tired to do it and yet to nervous to sleep. I didn't think having such a great mate would put so much stress on me.

Suddenly there is a great rumble some distance away from us. It sounds like it could be coming from the pack. Instantly all the guys are on edge with Spike needles all pricked up.

We go into full on battle mood ready for anything. We take off at a sprint through the woods each using the speed of the animal for boost. I run pretty fast but I wish I had Speckle's speed.

We get there within five minutes and everything looks fine except a dark cloud is moving in from far away. It is moving very slowly so it should take a week to actually get here.

My crew and I realize there is no immediate danger so they all hurry to comfort their mates all that except Spike who has yet to see his mate even though he knows who she is she still hasn't connected with him yet.

He decides to come with me to check on his mate from afar and help me see my mate. We go to the high school to were I'm finally able to see my mate in public. I will have to meet Evelyn later definitely soon though.

Speckle POV*

I was sitting in class trying to ignore the glares of Prissy and her weird mice posy. I just know one day I will have to save her from some horrible disaster just because she is so horrible. Rebecca is talking to me since it is lunch but I feel this sudden dark feeling. I can feel that Evelyn is feeling it to bit I have no way to stop it.

I get up really quick and go to the outside eating area and look at a great cloud that scares me horribly. I start to shake and I almost start to fall but an inner strength holds me up.

I know I'm the one who will help defeat this. I have to be strong for my entire pack. So instead of falling into a pit of fear I stare at the cloud and make a promise to do everything in my power to stop this terror.

After staring for awhile I hear a sound and turn my head toward it. It's Connor and a porcupine boy running toward me. I instantly fill with happiness at the sight of him. I also get worried because he shouldn't be in town today.

"What are you doing here?" I blurt out.

"So no how you been I missed you just why would you be here. It's a wonderful hello thank you." He says giving a beautiful smile.

"I'm just worried about you is all and I thought you had to stay in the woods to train?" I say.

"The training we have will have to be enough as you noticed the cloud is here so it is time for us to prepare the pack for war. You still can't tell anyone about you being in the prophecy though because we don't want any evil finding out." He says.

"Alright I have one more question though. Who is that guy your with is he part of the help?" I ask.

"This is Spike my best friend. He came with to check on his hidden mate." He says.

I know what he is talking about it is hard to have a hidden mate. It means that one of the pair knows they are mates but the other hasn't found this yet. It is forbidden to tell them because if they don't find it on their own the bond will die so neither will ever have a mate. It can be very hard on the one that knows to be silent which causes a lot of heart ache.

"I'm so sorry. Does she go here?" I ask.

"Yes she does her name is Rebecca. You can't ever tell her until we meet for our change." Spike says.

I can't believe this my mates best friend is my best friends mate this couldn't be more exciting or sad. This will be hard but hopefully it won't take long for her because she is sixteen.

"Of course I won't you don't need to worry." I say.

"Thank you so much. Just please guide her in my direction if you have the chance." Spike says.

"The cloud shouldn't get here for another week so we should start to train hard until then." Connor says.

We all just stare at the cloud each thinking their own thoughts. I can't believe that everything has changed in just a few days. My entire life has changed course for right now but if I can do this I can create a perfect future. I will just have to wait and see.


So sorry that I haven't updated. I have so much stuff going on right now. I looked at the reads and it's already up to 1,000 I can't believe it thanks so much guys!!! Thanks for all the likes and comments I enjoy ever one! I will keep updating probable erratically. Thanks so much everyone!!!!

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