p.o.v. Alice

I woke up half an hour to late, so I didn't have the chance to eat breakfast, or to take something to eat to school. So, I grabbed some money, and I'll have to choose between something to drink, or something to eat.

"Bye Ash! I'll see you at home!" Yes, I decided to get lost today. I wanted to find out if I could find home, without Ashton. "If you can't find it, just call okay?" "Of course." I smiled. He walked away, to his friends on the other side of the hallways. "Hey Alice. What's your first class?" I heard a voice saying behind me. I turned around.

"Oh, hi Calum. I actually have no clue, I don't even know which books I need." He started laughing. "Let me help you." I gave him my schedule and he started putting books inside my bag. "Thanks Hood. I owe you one." I laughed. "Good, because I just wanted to ask you if you'd come with us after school." "And who's us?" I grinned. "Well, Noah and Nicky aren't comming, so just you, me and Micheal." "Yeah sure, sounds fun. What are we going to do again?" "Well, we don't really know yet. But, if you come sit with us in first class, then we can maybe find something to do?" "Yeah, sure." I nodded and pulled off my leather jacket. I put it in mijn locker and immidiately got goosebumps all over my body. Damn, it's cold.

First class starts in 5 minutes and I don't even know what it is. I trust that these 2 idiots will take me to the right classroom. I got my schedule out of my pocket and saw that first class had to be Math. Oh god, I hate math. Only because it's a fact that almost all math teachers are assholes.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Micheal said. Shaking his head when Luke appeared. I checked on my phone, and saw a message from Lilly.

Lilly: Please, Alice feel sorry for me. Look what Dylan did to my room. [picture]

A picture of her room, with feathers all over the room. I bursted out laughing out of nowhere, and Calum and Micheal looked at me with a questioning look on their faces. "Oh sorry. I got a message from my bvest friend from London." They nodded understanding and then the bell rang. We walked to the classroom and I sat down between Calum and Micheal. I grabbed my books and layed them down on the table. I felt really tiny with these two tall boys on each side of me. I'm like a gnome and they're like giants. "Why are all teh windows open? It's already so cold." I said irritated. "No it isn't." Micheal laughed. "Oh shut up Clifford." I said. "Ooh, someone is grumpfy." "No, I'm not grumpfy, I'm just cold." I sighed.

"Micheal come on, let's get her warm." Micheal nodded and both of them shove their seats closer to mine. Now they're sitting against me, but I have to admit, they are warm. I giggled for a moment as they acted like it was all normal and the whole class was staring at us like we were some idiots who lost their brains. Well, I think we are.

"Hello class. I think you guys should just start with your homework, and when there are questions you can ask them." The tacher said, sitting down at his desk. "Mr. Clifford and Mr. Hood. Give the new girl her space, would you mind?" Calum frowned his eyebrows and looked at Micheal. Then he looked at the teacher again and said: "But sir, she said she's cold." "Yes, sir, it's okay." "well, as long as they keep it this way and they don't sexually touch you, fine." I started laughing when I heard Calum and Micheal losing their shit next to me. "They won't, believe me." I laughed.


At lunchtime, I found Micheal and Calum along with Noah and Nicky on a table in the canteen. "Aren't you going to eat? I mean, it's lunchtime." I heard Calum say. "Well, I would, but I have nothing with me because I overslept this morning. I already used my money for this bottle of water so I guess not." "Aren't you really hungry then?" Noah asked, quite worried. "Well, to be honest. I'm not even hungry, but just really dizzy all the time. besides that I'm fine." "Tell us, when you're not feeling good okay?" Nicky said. I nodded. "Here, take a piece of my chocolatecake." Calum said, giving me half of his cake. "Ahw... Thanks Hood." I smiled. I took a bite and wanted to pull my schedule out of my pocket again, when Micheal said: "We have biology. Don't worry, we have that class together remember?" Micheal laughed. "I need to go to the bathroom. Do we have biology in the same classroom as last time?" I asked, throwing my bag over mijn shoulder. "Yes, are you sure you're going to be fine?" "Yeah, I'm alright." I smiled, I'm lying so hard right now.

I stormed out of the canteen, straight to the girl bathroom. I felt dizzy and stopped, grabbing my head in reflex. It kept getting worse. The world became one big spinning hole, which I seemed to be falling in. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to stop it. It just kept going. The world started spinning harder, and harder. Until finally everything went black and I fell to the ground.


"Alice?" I heard from afar. "Alice!!" I heard again. My eyes popped open and I sat upright immidiately. I felt my head aching and relaxed when I saw Luke in front of me together with the school nurse. "What happened?" I asked, really confused. "You fainted in the hall, where I found you laying on the floor." "Wait what? I fainted?" "Yeah." He said. "Can I go? I feel fine. I need to get to biology." "We're allowed to stay away from biology." He smiled. "Did you? Did you tell Micheal?" "Yeah, I did because I know he's a friend of yours. Why?" "Well, this is why." I sighed, knowing that Micheal was about to storm in. I didn't see him through a window or something, I just know he would do anything possible to get away from biology to come check on me.

And yes, seconds later and the door swung open, Micheal appearing in the doorstep. I was quite suprised to see Calum standing behind him. Luke ignored them and handed me his lunchbox. "Alice, what the hell happened?" Micheal said. "Micheal, chill down, I'm okay." I said, grabbing my head. My head started aching from Micheal his loud voice. I sat upright and looked at Luke, who was moving his seat away from the bed. "Thanks by the way, Luke." I smiled. He gave me a shy smile back. I opened his lunchbox and saw a chocolate cookie. I took it and gave him his lunchbox back. "Sure you don't want more?" He asked. "No, eat it yourself." I smiled at him, ignoring Micheal's angry look towards him. I know they don't get along, but I let Micheal be and sighed. Oh god...

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