P.o.v. Luke

"Luke?" Jack asked his voice sounding guilty. "Yeah?" I replied getting up. "What have you done Jack?" I asked quite worried. "Luke don't get angry but I kinda..." I furrowed my eyebrows waiting for him to go on.

"I took a picture of you crying and sent it to Alice." Jack said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I put my guitar away and walked upstairs.

P.o.v. Jack 🙈

"Luke. Luke wait." I said. "No." Luke said as he stormed into his room and slammed the door shut. Someting needs to happen between these two.

I dialed Alice's number and called her. No answer. I decided to leave a message.

"Heey Alice, it's me. Jack here, can you please explain what happened? Luke is eating himself on the inside, out of guilt and I have no idea how to help him. Can you call me back? Or maybe come over?"

I put my phone away and walked into the kitchen. I got a coke and sat down on the couch. I never knew he was so in love with this girl. And honestly I think she needs to know.

P.o.v. Alice

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked into my room. I grabbed the hairbrush off the shelf and brushed my hair before putting it in a messy bun. "Ash!!! Who has been in my room? It's a terrible mess in here!" I shouted. "That was me, I'm sorry I thought you had my hairdryer. But I had it myself." Lauren laughed. "Next time clean up before you leave." "Kay."

I cleaned the mess up and sat down on my bed. "Alice, are you coming with me and Daniël to the starbucks?" Ashton asked as he popped up around the corner. "Yeah sure, it's not that I have something better to do. When is Daniël here?" "15 minutes." "Okay cool. Seems fun to me. Is it okay to your mom?" "Yeah." "Kay see ya in 10 minutes. I need to listen my voicemail." I smirked as he left. "See ya." I heard him laugh.

I looked at my missed call. Jack. I rolled my eyes and listened the message he left on my voicemail.

"Heey Alice, it's me. Jack here, can you please explain what happened? Luke is eating himself on the inside, out of guilt and I have no idea how to help him. Can you call me back? Or maybe come over?"

I sighed. And I do know how to help him? I called him back as I stood up and picked up my vans old skools. I put them on and then Jack anwered my call.

"Hi Alice, did you get my message?" "Yes I did Jack. But what do you expect from me? I mean I'm pretty sure Luke told you about me." "Yes he did. But you need to belive he's worried about you. He didn't mean to do what he did, Alice he was drunk. He drank like 3 bottles of wine and 10 beers. What do you expect?" "Oh... So now I should just forget about that and be there for him? Jack, I'm going through deep shit too at the moment." I walked down the stairs as I waited for Ashton and Daniël.

"That's not what I mean." I heard him groan. "I just meant that maybe you tqo could help eachother. Luke told me the two of you used to be like best friends. It can be like that again if you just listen to my side of the story." "So, what you're saying is, that you just want.me to listen to the other side of the story?" I asked. "YES." "Jack if you left that on my voicemail it would've been much easier to understand. You can come over tomorrow?" "Really?" "Yeah. But don't... don't start begging for me to forgive Luke okay?" "I promise." "Good. See you tomorrow." "See ya." I hung up and saw Ashton coming into the kitchen. "Alice, you want one too?" Ashton asked, holding a twix in the air. "YES OH GAWD TWIX." I laughed as he handed me one.

The doorbell rang and I followed Ashton to the door, grabbing my jacket. "Hi Daniël." I giggled. "Hi Alice, how are you doing?" "Fine thanks, how are you?" "Good. Yeah yeah and our team got selected for the national competitions. You're playing, right?" "I hope so." I laughed and all of us left the driveway. Off to starbucks.

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