White teeth teens

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"We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day."
-White Teeth Teens

She walks into the building and greets the receptionist.

She enters through the familiar hallways and walks down the corridor. She pushes open the double doors, and breathes in the old people smell.

Her eyes frantically search the room until she spots who she is looking for.

She quickly bounds up to the old woman sitting in a wheel chair.

"Grandma!" She says loudly, so the older woman would hear her. "How are you?"

The woman smiles up towards her but looks the other way.

She gently touches the woman's shoulder. "Right here, Grandma."

The woman greets her and the both begin to talk casually.

"Cara, how is your mother?" The woman askes.

She frowns. "Worse. I think I need to send her to rehab."

Her grandmother reaches blindly for her hand until she places her smooth hand into her grandmothers wrinkly one.

"Cara, I don't like you living alone with your mother. She's unstable."

She frowns. Other than her grandma, her mother is all she has.

"Cara, are the kids at your school treating you any better?"

She replys with a no.

"Well maybe if you told them your situation, they will stop calling you those nasty names."

She scoffs.

"I shouldn't need a sad background for people to treat me right."

Omg you guys! Thanks for all the positive feedback. I love it. It makes me want to write and post so much more. With that being said, I decided to write an extra chapter (this one) and post it, an epilogue of sorts. Please ignore any grammar mistakes and things. Or, better yet, point it out. I want to become a better writer and I can only do that through polite criticism.

I love you all and don't forget to comment and vote! Love always, Charlie.

Edit: wow, this story is cringy. Thanks for bearing through this

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