Chapter Two

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Today in London was a bit drab, and there was short showers coming and going all day. But it gave me and Roman sometime to roam around alittle, walking around to different shops and taking photos. I couldn't wait to show all of this to the girls, even though they can't understand it all right now, when their older I'm hoping we can all take a trip here together as a family.

We took alittle break at a huge open park, sitting near alittle duck pond and throwing bread crumbs. Roman seemed pretty content, he hadn't really talked since we came here, which meant he was thinking hard on something and wasn't telling me. "What's on your mind?" I asked, he looked down at me then back at the pond.

"Nothing, I'm just enjoying my time with you"he said simply.

"You're lying" I muttered

He put a arm over my shoulder, kissing my head, "I promise it's nothing. I would tell you what I'm thinking, wouldn't I?", I shrugged, "I dunno, would you?". He laughed alittle, but nodded, and proceeded to get rid of the bread. I layed my head against his shoulder, looking up at him "tell me." . He huffed, looking down at me " I'm just....I don't know. Paranoid I guess".

"Paranoid about what?" I asked, he sighed "I don't know, I just. Every little thing just kind of reminds me of the twins. Every time a kid acted up in the store I think of Emry, every time I see a kid staring off into space I think of Eliza....I guess I get how you felt yesterday" he mumbled the last part. I smiled, so he was thinking about them. Well this is the longest we've been away from the twins since they were born, so this was so weird not being around them for so long.

But as much as I hate to admit is kind of nice to have a little break, even though I miss my pups dearly. He stood up suddenly, smelling the air, the look on his face was menacing but he didn't say anything right away. "What is it?", he stayed silent and looked around, as an alpha Roman's senses smelling and hearing was a bit more advanced than mine, so it took a minute for me to understand what was wrong.

I could smell it the scent of a trespasser, but it smelled more like a female....with Misao's scent wrapped around it....
My body felt cold, unable to move, Roman looked down at me and pulled me up. "Let's go back to hotel, okay?", I only managed to nod. We headed back to the hotel, I still a bit shaken up, Roman took a shower before me and when he was done I decided to take a bath.

I layed in the tub, thinking about my pups....were they safe? Was this a huge mistake coming here? Should we go back? These pressing questions, seemed to have the right answer, yes, but....

But what?

Could I have been stupid for thinking that we're safe?

Not technically...but you needed some distraction. Right?

I guess so...but now....

Seems like there will be more little visitors.

I felt sick to my stomach just at the mere thought of Misao coming back again. Why couldn't all of this just stop? But I forget...this is all because of me. I can't think like that now...but it is true, the door opened and Roman poking his head in. "Hey" he said, I smiled, he came over to me, kneeling down next to the tub.

"I'm sorry for earlier...I shouldn't have made a big deal." He said.

I sat up, shaking my head "no! It's okay I know you were just being precautious"

The corner of his mouth lifted a small smile, he caressed my cheek looking into my eyes "you know I'd be pretty messed up if anything happened to you right?" , I nodded "I know..." .

"Then promise me, you won't go anywhere by yourself" he said firmly

"I promise" I replied. He gave me a huge smile, kissing me passionately, it seemed the rain had started again. And we fell asleep, holding eachother closely.



I was the the first to wake up this morning, shuffling out of bed quietly and not wanting wake Neko up.

I sat on the balcony, watching all of the buses and people walk down the streets....wondering...
Who was that I smelled at the park yesterday?

It was bugging me more than anything. The smell was tha of a female, but I could also smell Misao, as if she was with Him or his scent was just naturally on her. Could it be someone's been following us? If so, why follow is us all the way to the UK? This worried me to high extent, because we were now vulnerable, our pups are safe at least and if anything comes our way, I'll be able to protect Neko.

My cellphone started to ring, it was my mother. I answered it with a low 'hello', she scoffed.
"Well isn't that a way to greet your mother?"

"Sorry I just got up" I said

"Mmhm. Well I just wanted to let you know the girls have been absolute dolls, but miss you a lot."

I smiled "how are they?"

"Great, you know Emry is a piece of work, she put up a fight lastnight because she didn't want to go to bed" she replied

I laughed "yeah, that sounds like her. But hey mom... Can I ask you a question?",  I heard the phone shuffle a bit and then the sound of dinging, what is she doing? , "mom?",
"Oh! Sorry sweetie, the dryers being difficult, anyways what did you want to ask me?" She said.

"You guys haven't uh....seen anything suspicious have you? Or noticed anyone one? Or smelled anyone?"

" that you mention it. There was one incident yesterday that put your father on edge." She replied slowly. Suspicious. So they have noticed something...and here I thought I was going mad.
"Yesterday there was an unknown rogue on our land. But we don't know who it is and it seems as though she's been here for a while".

My heart skipped a beat "she? Mom how do you know it's a women?"

"We've seen her. She's not anyone I recognize, but we haven't seen her since yesterday morning. Why? Oh Roman please tell me you haven't seen her" I could hear her panic alittle, I wanted to painic to but I had to stay calm. "No mom I haven't. But I've smelled her scent. Don't worry I'll keep an eye out." I reassured her, we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I walked back into the room, still seeing Neko fast asleep.

Don't do anything stupid.

I'm not.

Well whoever this women is, it's definetly not a good sign for us. We need to stay alert.

Yeah, whoever she is, she can't be good. But she'll have to herself eventually...

Vengence ( Book 2 of Control) ( BOY X BOY/ MPREG)Where stories live. Discover now