09. you are my everything

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the second i knew that there was something wrong, my mind started to race. i felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. i ran out the front foor and started to run down the side-walk, desperately wanting to find emily.

her voice kept running through my mind and it felt as if i could still her. even though she wasn't that far away, i needed to find her and make sure she was safe. i coudn't even care whether i was sick or not. 

the more i ran, the more i worried. all of a sudden, i saw emily laying in to middle of the footpath and i didn't waste any time. as soon as i saw her i ran even faster to her side. her eyes were screwed tightly shut and she was hugging her knees into her chest. the sight almost broke my heart into a million pieces.

"oh my god." i shakily spoke, "baby are you okay, tell me where your hurt."

"leondre, slow down. i'm fine my stomach hurts though." she replied and opened her eyes to look at me.

tears started to brim my eyes, "my baby, what have they done to you."

without a second thought, i grabbed her bag and slung it over my own shoulder. i carefully scooped her up in my arms, trying not to hurt her fragile body. i turn around and make my way back to my house with emily still in my arms.

when i got home, i kicked my bedroom door open with my foot and placed her petite body on top of my bed. i took her shoes off and placed them with her bag at the end of my bed.

she tried to avoid my gaze by looking everywhere else but me. i sat beside her on my bed and stared at her for a few minutes. taking a deep breath, i lean over slightly and tug the hem of her shirt up a little. she nodded, giving me permission to lift her shirt up fully.

i stopped when her shirt reached just above her ribs. i was in shock. multiple bruises were scattered across her hip bones and small scratches were lined up above her belly button. my fingers traced her hips making her wince and bite her bottom lip. leaning down, i place a number of gentle kisses on her hips. my lips trail their way up her stomach and stop at the bottom of where her shirt rested.

"why did you never tell me," i spoke in a hushed voice.

i was more upset than confused as to why she never told me about cindy bullying her. but then again, i suppose i do have some understanding about why she was scared and never wanted to tell anyone. i knew because i used to be bullied when i was younger. i understood the pain it could bring to a person.

i heard emily sadly sigh, "b-because i was afraid that cindy would find out and hurt me more."

our eyes finally met, "you know you can always tell me anything. i'm so sorry that she did this to you."

"you have nothing to be sorry for," she shook her head.

"it's my job to protect you, emily. it always has and always will be." i said getting up, lying down next to her and wrapping her in my arms in a protectively.

we both laid in silence for a few minutes and stared up at the ceiling, still wrapped in each others arms.

"i promise that i won't ever let this happen again, you are way too precious and important to me. god if i ever lost you, i would literally got out of my mind. a world without you is a world that i can't even imagine. i will always protect you, no matter what. you are my everything, baby girl." i whispered into emily's ear and placed two kisses on her forehead.

i looked down to see that emily was now crying but with a smile on her lips.

"leondre, thank you. i love you."

i wipe her tears away with the pad of my thumb and place another delicate kiss on the corner of her lips. 

"i love you too, baby." i replied while running one of my hands through her soft brown hair and the other tracing patterns on the exposed skin of her back, causing goosebumps form, "so much."

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