Chapper Thirteen

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Days past in bliss. Every chance you get, you and L sneak away and although he seemed to previously be asexual that no longer is the case. Some of his quirks seem to get in the way, but you love everything about him and just move past them.

Business went on as usual, and no one but Misa and the butler found out about you two. Everything was rather stalled while they thought up an idea to fix what you and the blonde already put into action, but that all changed when she came running into the office one day. Out of breath and holding the recorder you had given her previously.

"I have it!" she exclaimed, "I have proof!!"

First everyone was unsure, but when they hooked it up it was obvious she had done it. He said clearly that it was him, proved it by killing someone she named. Now we just had to figure out How he's been killing them, but we can catch Kira without knowing at first. We'd get it out of him..

Immediately people were sent out to watch him, and we looked for an opening. One day when I walked into the office it seemed they were putting a plan to action, sending the shaggy black haired boy onto tv claiming he knew who it was - a trap so Kira would try to kill him and we'd be able to catch him.

Everything was falling into place, until the night of action.

Everyone was on edge and it seemed everything was going wrong. No one would really tell me anything so I was equally freaking out until things apparently begun evening out and finally going right. The whole office seemed to calm down at once, to the point of even beginning to celebrate and it seemed everything was going to be okay.

Until L and Light were ready for a part of the plan I hadn't been told about. They were flying the helicopter to the scene, being seen by Kira himself.. Saying my heart stopped would only be a bit of an overexageration. I pulled L as far from Light as possible to speak with him.

"L please.. it's too dangerous."

"Don't worry everything is planned out this will go completely according to plan."

"We know how dangerous Kira is, can I at least come with you?"

"No, now that will be much too dangerous.. Don't worry, Kira will not be able to touch me."

"Just... be careful.. Remember, he doesn't have to touch you to.. kill you."

With a humble look and an awkward half hug, realizing that someone could be looking, that was the last I'll see of him before we catch Kira. It felt refreshing to finally be able to say that, but L didn't seem as excited. I couldn't help but think that he believed there was more.

I ran to watch the news as soon as they left, hopefully soon I'd be able to see them through the designated monitor in the office, but it doesn't help much with the hypertension I am currently indulged in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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