I thought you'd catch me if I fall
And fill me up when I'm empty. But you didn't.~Santa-Elf
What would Cathlyn do?
What would Cathlyn do?
I kept asking myself the question as I furiously drove home. It was late about nine thirty in the night, but I couldn't care less. My body was aching and covered in bruised all over, tears was just flowing freely out of my eye and my vision was very blurry. I broke every stop light and know that by tomorrow or Thursday my mailbox would be filled with tickets to pay at court and my dad would kill me. Literally. But right now I was already dead. My heart, body and eyes were aching until suddenly I was numb.
When I parked I saw my dad car parked out front, and I looked next door and saw Luther sitting on his balcony. I didn't even care I just wanted to go home inside my house. I stepped out of my car without even closing back the door and open the house door. I was a crying mess as the tears never stopped rushing into my eyes.
"Katelyn is that you?" My dad asked from the kitchen. I let out a loud sob and that's when my dad turned the corner and gasp at the sight of me.
"Oh God" He whispered as he saw the state that I was in. The look of fear took over my dad's eyes as probably the worst scenario run through his mind. Tears welled up in his eyes and suddenly his pale white face went rigid blood red. Jaw clench and fist rolled. I leaned on the wall and slid down while crying a bit harder. My dad rush over to me and pulled me into a hug as he whispered sweet words in my ear.
"Daddy, " I cried. "I was so scared and frighten" I admitted.
"It's ok baby, who did it?" He asked as he rocked me back and forth.
I bit my lips and cried silently not wanting to admit it was Levi.
"It's ok baby" He cooed " Everything will be alright"
"Dylan!" My dad yelled "Bring down a robe for you sister"
"Ok " he yelled back
"Cathlyn!!, call nine one one"
"Why is everything ok dad," Cathlyn ask coming out of the gym.
"Oh my god" She breathe out as she saw us " I'm right on it," she told him before rushing into the kitchen to the nearest house phone.
"Here", Dylan came downstairs with the robe and dad took it from him and covered me. It was soothing as dad continue to rock me back and forth and suddenly I grew very tired and my eye lid began to close. In the distance, I heard everyone voice around me. Dad was yelling.
"Don't close your eyes honey, open them come on talk to me"
Dylan was constantly asking " Dad whats wrong with katelyn" mean while I heard cathlyn consistent murmur of "Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god"
Lastly was his voice along with sneakers rushing against the tiles in squeaks.
"Katelyn! What happened? Katelyn!" Then I was completely out.
I woke up to the sounds of a beeping machine in my hears, thinking it was my alarm clock I groan and muttered.
"I don't want to go to school" While pulling my sheet over my head.
"Katelyn are you alright!" My mothers voice asked me.
"What are you doing home mom, Your shift start at six" I replied.
"No baby, your not home" I mother whispered beside my ears.

Teen Fiction#3 in Cries In a world filled with cheerleaders, soccer players, and wild party goers they all can truly say that popularity speaks for its self. It's either all eyes were on you for the right reasons or for reasons for you to be ridiculed. Katelyn...