This is probably the last chapter for now... Ill update later way in the future. I'm not in the mood for this book again but ill rush it. Btw I'm recommending great K drama
Birth if a Beauty
She was pretty
The heirs
I hear your voice
Big boss
Cheer up
Descendant sun
To the beautiful you
Who are you 2015
High End Crush
Emergency Couple
Love and Marriage
It's Okay that's loveI cant remember the others but those are good. You can watch them on REMINDER.. MY FIRST LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH SOO BEER THE ERRORS UNTIL I CAN FIND A EDITOR.
She is sad
She is hurt
She is dying
She is alone
She is lonely
She is a mess
She is judged
She is ignored
She is suicidal
She is confused
She is stressed
She is messed up
She is depressed
She is misunderstood
She is tired but still living
She is hurt but won't show it
She is screaming but it's silent
She is in pain but still smiling
She is me.I sat in the court room feeling my entire world on edge. My brain was quite scattered and the nervous system in my body was on an unending brake down. It was Monday, the day that Levi Mario Benitez would be tried for rape.
"Are you nervous? "Mr. Woon my lawyer asked.
" A little" I mumbled, the unsteady base in my voice didn't go undetected as my father and Mr woon gave each other a knowing look."Honey" My dad cooed while making soothing circles on my back. "There is nothing to worry about, your doing the right thing"
"Yea, rape cases are very serious he didn't even only rape you but also he domestically abused you" Mr. Woon added.
I know I was doing the right thing, I am just afraid what will happen to me after this.
"Nothing will happen to you, I will ensure that, " Dad told me as he brought me into a tight embrace. The comforting scent of my dad's axe shampoo relaxed my jittery nerves and now I felt as if I can face the world and it' toughest problem.
The judges walked in and took their seats. It was three of them dressed in a black gown and faces masked in odious round test glasses.
"Everyone rise" One of the judges commanded.
The prosecutor also walked in fully clothed in a black gown and two red horizontal stripes.
"You may sit" The judges instructed as they took their seats.
The prosecutor took a seat adjacent from Levi's lawyer while going through some documents in front of her on the table.
"Defense lawyer and prosecution stand" The same judge who was seated in the middle instructed, "Is everyone here?" He further asked.
"Yes,into" The prosecutor and Levy's lawyer both replied.
"Please bring in the defendant" He instructed a police who was standing by a door. Looking over towards the door at the police retrieving figure my hands began to shake as cold sweat padded my forehead. My heart was at the moment jumping out of my chest as fear and anxiety began to comfortable settle within me making me very unsettled. One look at levi and I prayed that after this he would be locked away for good because the murderous glare that was sent my way sent waves of shivers down my spine. With his hands handcuff and dressed in a bright yellow overall, his hair sticking all over and the big bags under his eyes made him unrecognizable as the handsome fellow I was once drooling to be with couple weeks and months a back.
I hope Malik could see what I am doing for him, the risk that my life now holds whether levi goes to jail or not for the crime he has committed. I hope he could see that all of this was for him. Maybe if I didn't lie I would still be protecting levi right now, just so I could protect myself.
He took a seat beside his lawyer and they gave each other a courtly nod.
The prosecutor arise and spoke.
"Im prosecutor Seo Do Hyun who has been placed in charge of prosecuting this case. The defendant Levi Mario Benitez assaulted the victim Katelyn Page exactly two weeks ago on Friday October 5 2016. He held her down against her will on his couch where he sexual assaulted her and also domestically abuse her" She turned to a projector on the right of the center of the court where it was suddenly turned on. Pictures of the black and blue bites of my body all over was screened on the projector to give evidence to my claimed state. Just the look of it brought tears in my eyes and I had to look away. I looked at levi's hard facial expression, not one ounce of regret printed out on his hard facial features. The prosecutor turn off the projector and continued talking.
" Instead of having remorse for his crime the defendant threatened the victim to cover his crimes. The prosecution is indicating the defendant with second degree rape and domestic violence of the victim by the prosecuting law" With that said she turned to the judge and hold a fierce eye contact with them before taking her seat.
"Defendant, Do you accept the charges made?" The judge asked Levi.
He held eye contact with his lawyer before he replied.
"I deny all charges" He spoke in the mic provided in front of him. I held my hand tighter together because I knew from now on it would be a bloody battle in the court room with law. All my mind could ponder at the moment are series of What ifs.
His lawyer rose to his feet and took control of the court room by projecting him self at the centre gaining everyone's attention.
"I'm Mickey Taylor the defendant lawyer. The charges being hold against mr benitez are invalid and unsound claims in this court. For enlightenment the defendant was simple spending time with his girlfriend the victim Katelyn Page. They had a eventful evening of romance together where she willingly gave up her self to him and had sex. By night she left completely unharmed with only one and two love bites as any mark tracing her body" he stated. I closed my eyes tightly knowing that the truth was being fabricated here, half of his sayings were lies.
The prosecutor smiled as she rose to her feet and once again took control of the court room.
"Your honour," She stressed " I would love to call the victim to the stand to testify her self of what happened on such a dreadful day" The judge nodded his head and a police officer walked to the small door separating the center if the court room from where the audience sat. With ease he opened the door and I stood up. My legs wobbled in the flat black shoe that was decorated with a red bow at the front. My heart repeatedly burn against my chest as it tried it hardest to leap out of my body. At one point it felt as if it was going to come out of my mouth instead and I had to force my lips into a tight thin line to keep it in. I was beyond nervous, I was completely wrecked. I was escorted to a table where I took a seat behind the mic having eye contact with the judge with the prosecutor standing by the side. A bible was placed beneath my trembling bluish green hands, I already knew what to do. I saw this in so many movies and read it in so many books. This is the part where I would follow their instructions and sware to tell the truth and nothing but he truth so help me God.
After I swore with my right hand on the bible and my left hand lifted in the air I took a seat ready for questions to be shot at me like bullets. The prosecutor visible took a deep breath and released with her first question.
"Miss page, where were you on the night of October 5 2016 at 6pm?" She asked.
"I was over levi's house"
"What were you doing over levi's house?"
"I went to spend sometime with him"
"Why did you went to spend time with him when you were supposed to be home?"
"Because at that time I thought I was his girlfriend and girlfriends spend time with their boyfriends" I honestly admitted with my voice braking at each words.
"What do you mean 'thought' weren't you two in a relationship?""No, he only pretend to be interested in me so that he could have sex with me. All along he had a different girlfriend"
"So you were not his girlfriend just a play toy" she clarified. It hurts coming from someone else's mouth, the reality of things and it hurts more to know my parents was at the back finding out the truth about their nerdy daughter at home this way. I should of never did this. In the end it will only hurt me more.
"Yes" My voice brake. I swallow the lump in my throat knowing that this was just the beginning.

Teen Fiction#3 in Cries In a world filled with cheerleaders, soccer players, and wild party goers they all can truly say that popularity speaks for its self. It's either all eyes were on you for the right reasons or for reasons for you to be ridiculed. Katelyn...