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Luther Malik in picture
I looked up into his tender warm lustful eyes. My stomach clench and butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach. 'Use me', His words was a stagnant record in my brain and all of a sudden I could feel a melting fire erupting in my body from where his hands rest.
"I can't" I mumbled, holding his gaze. "I can't use you"
"Why?" He asked barely brushing his lips on my chin. I squeeze his shoulders to keep my knees from getting week, as well as to help to keep me focus and not trapped into his world.
"Because your different" I mumbled.
He sighed and his hands released my waist. I look up at him and saw him ran both his hands in his hair.
"Kate" He called looking lost and confuse, "Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you"
"No, I don't hate you Luther" I reassured him.
"Then why wont you give me a chance to get close to you?" He sighed.
"Because, I've already hurt you" and 'I love you too much to do it again' I thought
He held his hands out and took mine into his. His big finger cares my small hands as he brought it up to his lips and kissed them. My hands went rigid under his small soft lips and before he could pull back I quickly retract my hands.
"Kate, I like you...more than a friend would" He muttered taking back my hand. "I fell for you because you made me feel alive. You made me happy when ever we are in the woods, when ever its just us. Your smile would glow and bright up my day like the stars at night. You made me angry when you lied and I got in trouble. I became livid all because of you. When your hurt or sad I'm sad as well; I could feel your pain in the invisible bond we shared".
I couldn't believe what was going on, Luther was confessing his feelings to me?... then what about sky?
"Is that true?" I wearily asked, he isn't the type of guy to just tell you things you want to hear; well I hope.
"Yes, I really really really Like you kate" He sincerely reassured me.
"Then why are you dating sky?" I asked.
He laughed, confusing me by doing so. What's so funny Luther?
"Sky and I are not together, we never were" He confessed.
"What!" I practically yelled, "But I saw you guys kissed, and she was at your house only in your shirt an-" I felt even more confuse now, something must be going on.
"We kissed because she saw you, and she wanted to hurt you for hurting me" He told me.
Does that mean that sky knew I liked him? I smiled. Leave it to a girl's intuition to figure things out.
"And the day when you saw her like that, was because she came over and got soaked in the rain,so I gave her a shirt while her clothes dry." He explained.
I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. I felt like the happiest person alive. The guy who I liked, also likes me. He was single and free.
I pulled my hands out of his and rapped them around his neck. He smiled back at me blushing in the process, as he wrapped his hands around my waist. Bringing his head down to mine I kissed him with all I got, with all my heart and my soul. I kissed him until his soft lips felt bruised against my teeth and he kissed me back with quiet the passion and lust.
I could feel a familiar swirling in the pit of my stomach and a cunning pool of moisture between my legs. I wanted Luther in so many ways right now that the blood in my body was getting livid and impatient. I was literally coming down with a fever with just his lips.
Our kissed got wild and needy, I could feel him digging into my waist pulling me right into him as if I could get any closer. My hands traveled and tangled into his silky soft hair.
It's been so long...Too damn long.
We part for a moment to catch our breaths; Luther hang his head low into my neck bearly brushing his nose against my skin. His hot breath tickled my neck at the same time stir up a more uncontrollable want in me.
"Luther" I mumbled in a haze.
"Mmmh" He replied.
"Let me use you"

Teen Fiction#3 in Cries In a world filled with cheerleaders, soccer players, and wild party goers they all can truly say that popularity speaks for its self. It's either all eyes were on you for the right reasons or for reasons for you to be ridiculed. Katelyn...