Thank you for making to the end! If u ever feel like rereading this book head over to Hinovel and read the edited version. Dont go through the grammar cringes twice.
See link for novel to TheaHarmon for comments that relates to the story... You were the first commenter who is not my friend and I remembered the joy I felt when I read your comments thank you.
"Break a leg" jimmy yelled over my shoulders to the phone.
"Don't let this idiot tells you what to do" Jade rolled her eyes, "don't break a leg Luther" she encouraged him.
Luther laughed and the phone moved a little making it a little harder for me to see his face.
"I can't see you" I whined.
"OK" He mumbled angling the phone again. He was currently in India for an engineering competition. He went with the school science club and sadly for me Sky was there. Luther on the other hand as serve his friendship with her to the dogs.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked rubbing a soothing hand on the bear skin of my back."Mm?" I confusingly asked while I buried my face in his neck. Waking up to Luther was heavenly. He was smelling like fresh chocolate with a hint of new book pages, weird right?
"Sky.." He trailed off and I opened my eyes instantly. I was never nervous about Luther cheating on me, I could just trust him on that...but her was always my problem. She was very sneaky, to Luther she was like wolf under sheep clothing.
"she was the one.." He swallowed and hugged me to him closer. I lifted my head to look at his face, he was so angry and I could see how hurt he was, after all she was his only trusted friend." Who started that rumor about my father and you" closing his eyes I watched has his adam apple moved up before it slowly moved back down. "She hurt you, over and over and eventually" He said looking out at nothing in particular, "she has hurt me". His voice break. Luther was very strong and heartless when he wants but without his barrier he was a very emotionally damage guy.
There is just a sadness you get when your love one's are broken. I sat up and climb over his waist straddling him. I held both sides of his face in my hands.
" Its OK Luther" I told him."No matter what she has done to me in the past I've looked over everything, and forgive her in order to move on. Everything is OK now" I smiled.
"When I was texting mike with your phone I saw the video" Holding my hips he whispered looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry"
"Shh" I stopped him by placing a finger on his lips, "It's fine, and first of all it's not your fault. You are totally innocent here and let the past stay in the past. I am your present and future now. Plus we can learn from this" I told him smiling as I rest my head on his bear chest. "Never to let anyone come between us" Closing my eyes I felt a certain movement on my stomach, ignoring it I whispered "again"
~Ever since then, sky didn't knew what hit her...or what she did. Sky and Luther went from best friends to strangers in less than 24 hours. It wasn't like he didn't know what she was up to before because due to her own confession that Christmas break in japan luther had been very keen to her ways and a bit distant, still he kept his friendship with her but now he had his last straw.
"Huh?" I replied frightened.
"I said I'm going" He smiled amused.
Smiling I said, "OKy poky good luck""I don't need luck when I have you" He told me.
"Aweee.." Meng cooed.
"Ugh" rolling my eyes I quickly hang up. "Mood kill" I mumbled.
"Up next!!" The announcer yelled. "Is....Bridges Port High School" The crowd cheered and soon enough Lexi and her blond pups was happily bouncing past us. At the sight of me she snickered and flicked her hair.
"I didn't know fat people was allowed in cheerleading" Lexi said mockingly and soon after the entire team laughed.
Somethings just never change.
"I don't like her" Meng whispered in my ear. Giggling I told her while making eye contact with some of them.
"Trust me there is nothing much to like about them"
"Girls" Zeneya the cheer captain yelled over the crowd's screams. "We are going to win this..."
Determination was settled on everyone's face and I've never seen such serious faces in my life.
They were clearly all about the first trophy, they were clearly here to win it.
"Three years ago when we first entired this competition everyone took us for a joke. We were new to the feild and they saw us a an easy walk over. But we out did alot of them and came third. Last year it was the same but with hard work discipline and trust we came second. This year, today we are going to prove to our competitors that we can do this and we are coming at them harder than never before!" Zeneya yelled"We the pupil private high school cheerleaders are going the defeat the defending champions of eight years and make history today." There was no trace of joke on zeneya's face as she spoke. Like a building of blocks we all layed our hands on top of each other, representing unity and team work, after all we are all in this together.
"WE ARE GOING TO WIN!" Zeneya yelled. Her face getting red and the veins popping up at her neck due to her strain of voice.
"PPGH!! " We all yelled at once, "a ruuu" we howled while throwing our hands in the air. Our howls was a warning for our competitors that the Wolf's are coming.
It has been five months, five months of friendship, five months of working hard, five months of crying together. In those five months we studied hard, sat the collage entrance test, gain weight, lost weight, made new friends, lost important people we never thought we would lose and now here I am standing on the stage encircled by my cheer family anxiously awaiting for the second place winner.
Every second felt like a day and every day felt closer to an heart attack.
Meng squeezed my right hand and I looked down at our entwined hands that was giving me more hope by the second. I couldn't help but smile comfortably when I saw the round silver band on my middle finger. The huge diamond in the middle wasn't real but that's not what matters, it was the meaning that means the most to me. Luther will always be with me."I don't think we are going to win this" Shelia mumbled.
Noya unconsciously squeezed my left hand. There were tears already dripping from her eye. We need to win because girls in the team like Noya are heavily depending on the scholarship.
"I think so too, bridge port public high school was so good plus they are the defending champions and the judges love them" Sara opinionated."And second place winner goes to..." The commenter cheered.
"Bridge port..." We didn't need to hear the rest. We all jumped vicariously and hugged each other. Some members of the team sat on the floor crying. It was an emotional point for everyone.
I can't believe we won.
"We won" I yelled hugging Meng. The crowd roar victorious with us and I looked in the crowd and saw my mother clapping and cheering me on happily.I looked to the ceiling, smiling with a few streaks of tears running down my cheeks .." I finally did it"
I made it through the hell known as high school. I've learned to accept myself for who I am and not for who people want me to be. I've learned that happiness depends on what you want and not what people want to see. I've learned so much, how cruel humans can be, how hard it is to forgive; but I'm happy that I got it right, I made it out of the social suicide.In the beginning I thought my high school life would end as being the queen bee, rich and highly popular living the typical American teenage dream; making it down in the year book of history. But I'm glad luther walked in my life, he made me change, he brought out the girl I tried hard to hide. He made me open my eyes, he showed me wrong from right. Who would of thought that the popular could co-exist with the nerd? Who would of thought that our story would end as the cheerleader and the nerd.

Roman pour Adolescents#3 in Cries In a world filled with cheerleaders, soccer players, and wild party goers they all can truly say that popularity speaks for its self. It's either all eyes were on you for the right reasons or for reasons for you to be ridiculed. Katelyn...