(1) Were it all started

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A/N: Song: Poison (Jerza)

In hell there was a kingdom. Ruler or should i say king was Gray Fullbuster or short Devil. So here is where it all started....

Gray's POV:

"My king somebody want's to see you." one soldier said. "Let him/her come in." "Yes my king." said soldier then walked to the door's. When he opened door's there was a girl. She walked in. "What do you want?" King said." Can we talk alone?" Girl asked. King nodded at soldier's and they leaved them alone."What is it?" Girl then runned really fast to the king and throw some potion on him.King then became small 8 years old boy. "What did you do?!!!!" King said and looked all over himself. "If you wanna became teenager again you need to marry a human girl. She has to have blue hair like ocean. Eye's like night sky.Pale skin like snow. She need's to be kind like an angle and she will have to love you no matter if you are a little boy." "What??!! Where can i find girl like that???!!! And why human!!?" "Because i said so sayonara Gray Fullbuster until we see again."Choto matte!! She disappeard.... Soldier's!!!!!!" Soldier's runned in room where is thron."My king what happened??" "That girl throwed potion on me and i became small!" "Ho-."" Don't ask me how just find me a girl who's hair is blue like ocean,eye's like night sky,she need's to have pale skin like a snow and she has to be kind like an angle. Do you understand?!" "Yes my king." "Then go and find her now!!" Then soldiers runned outdoors. "Geez where will i found girl like that....."

Girl's POV:

Yes my plan worked. Now i will just wait dor that girl to melt he's frozen heart. I hope she will.....


Juvia's POV:

"Wahh ice-cream was great." Lucy said. " Yeah it was." Said Erza. Where should we go next?" Levy asked. "Sorry guys but Juvia thinks its late and we need to go home." I said. "Yeah i think so too." "Well seeya then Lucy,Levy and Erza!" "Seeya!!" They all shouted. While Juvia is walking home Juvia had feeling like somebody was following Juvia. When Juvia turned around she didn't see anybody. Then she just walked home ignoring the feeling. When she got home. She heared a doorbell. When Juvia opened the door's she saw 5 people they all had armor."May Juvia help you?" "Yes come with us." "Why should Juvia?" "I see you are then we will kindape you." When one of them said that they grabbed Juvia and taked her in portal....

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