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Juvia's POV:

"G-gray-sama!" Juvia hugged Storm and setted him on her lap. Gray-sama has black mark and purple eyes!! Gray-sama started to walk to us. Gray-sama sitted on a bed and hugged us both. "Gray-sama..." "I know everything." "W-what?" "I know what Angel did to you and that Storm is my child. Thats why I killed Angel and came on Earth to find you. You are still beautiful Juvia." Gray-sama then kissed Juvia. Our kiss was starting to get longer. After couple of minutes Gray-sama looked at Storm. "G-gray-sama what happened to Storm?" "I putted magic on him so he will wake up in the morning....... Can I hold him?" "Sure." Gray-sama took Storm from Juvia's arms and hugged him. " lets go back to palace Juvia." "Demo Gray-sama Storm has friends here..... and Juvia's friends are here....." "I see then lets live here." "R-really?" "Yup." Gray-sama said while putting Storm in a bed. "Gray-sama.....Juvia loves Gray-sama!" Juvia jumped on Gray-sama and we both fell on the floor. "And Gray-sama loves Juvia." "Mohhh Gray-sama stop playing." Juvia pouted. "Aww you are so cute." Gray-sama said and kissed Juvia on a cheek. "Oh Gray-sama we are still on the floor." Juvia tried to get up but Gray-sama pulled Juvia down. "Lets just stay like this for awhile." "H-hai." Juvia said while hugging Gray-sama

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