Epilogue A

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"I love you even till death do us apart." Juuzou mumbled absentmindedly as he stood on top of a tall building in the busy streets of Tokyo.

He looked down the flashing lights that filled the streets. Everyone was having their usual routines. People are crowding over the subway station while some are hanging around the sidewalks, showing their unique fashion sense.

They all looked like ants to Juuzou.

He used to enjoy this scenery.

But right now, everything just looks like plain shit.

His vision blurred as tears escaped from his sorrowful crimson eyes.

"I love you even till death do us apart." He repeated again and again as if it was a sutra that would take his beloved back.

His shoulders shook violently as his hands were clenched into fists.

He wanted to go on a rampage right now. He wanted to crush everyone he will see. But he knew that she would not like it so he decided against it.

"What if...?" He suddenly thought of a new idea.  "What if... I go and die?"

"I would simply jump off this.. Tall building." He narrated putting a leg out the cemented ground and into the vacant space in front. "Then... I will die and be with her!"

He laughed, amused with his new plan.

"Just wait for me!" He instructed to the dark skies.

His line of sight turned to the stitches in his arm.

"Why do you have those stitches?," she would ask.

"Body modification!~"

She frowned. "You should stop. Your skin is too precious to have stitches."

"But I like it this way!"

"No. No. No. Promise me, Juuzou."

"Awwww.. I'll try."

"Well, anyway. I have a question."

"What's it?~"

"What would you do if I die?"

"Die?.." He shrugged. "Isn't dying just part of living?~... But.. I don't really want you to die."

"I don't want to die too. But I want you to promise that you'll not be reckless once I depart!" She flicked his forehead.

"Ouch! Heeyy!" He whined, trying to flick the girl's forehead too but the girl would dodge his hands.

"You can flick mine if you promise!" She said, laughing a little.

"Grr.. I promise!" Juuzou gave in and he finally got to flick the girl's forehead.

"So it's signed and sealed with forehead flicking! No turning back!" She grinned.

"Uhuh~" and he pecked the girl's lips which made her blush so much.

"Promise...?" Juuzou asked his self. "Maybe I'll just explain my side to her once I meet her out there!~"

"Hey, don't break your promise now!" A familiar voice scolded.

Juuzou turned around but spotted no one.

"...Is it you..?" He asked.

He grumbled and pouted. "Come on~ You're blackmailing me even in this crucial moment?~"

He received no response but only deafening silence.

"Fine! But I will soon! Just see!".

He started to walk away from the edge of the rooftop to fetch some flowers for her grave.

He smiled to himself.

"Seriously. You're still so stubborn even as a ghost"

My Fallen Angel (Juuzou Suzuya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now